Hi Everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has tried any vaginal/ rectal suppository’s for pelvic floor muscle spasms? I know Valium is pretty common, but I was wondering if anyone has tried just baclofen and have been successful and or any other combinations? Just looking to maybe take a break from oral muscle relaxers and try to manage with a suppository of some sort. Not sure if the suppository will be as strong as oral muscle relaxers. Any thoughts I would be grateful!
Suppository for pelvic pain - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Suppository for pelvic pain

I already replied to you by email but my suppositories I forgot to tell you they are Valium baclofen and lidocaine
I will let you know how they go I'm going to try another one tonight still have some residual pain from difficult bowel movement... I requested a suppository with all three ingredients because I heard that's b better
Hi there,My GP gave me some suppositories called ,Proctosedyl,they contain Hydrocortisone &Cinchocaine (as hydrochloride) That’s how it’s worded on the box. They act as like an anaesthetic,I don’t know if you would like to read up on them.?
I take Diazepam (Valium) vaginally, but haven't had much benefit from it. The reactions when hearing abut this type of insertion from my other doctors (GP, orthopedics, physiotherapists) have ranged from surprised to very amused). the amount of ignorance out there is incredible
I find Proctosydal suppositories very good. . On prescription
I have both. I have a compounded suppository made of bachlofen and lidocaine. I find it’s the lidocaine that helps when I’m having the stabbing pain the vagina. But honestly even tho I wish I didn’t need the Zanax because I know the body becomes dependent upon it, it is the thing that does the best job for relaxing all the spasms in vagina and abdomen.
Hi-Not sure if you have tried a muscle relaxer (orally). Most muscle relaxers you do not become dependent on ( except maybe 1) You may want to try that if you would like not to take the Xanax. Best of luck to you and thank you for responding. I think I may be interested it trying the baclofen!
Thank you for your input. I have tried every muscle relaxer on the market and all they did was make me sleep all day. ☹️ Except one that a woman in one of the facebook support groups mentioned. I tried it. It didn’t make me sleepy but neither did it stop the muscle spasms. I was so hoping it would.
So just a thought that maybe you could take 1/2 tablet of a muscle relaxer if you get to sleepy. I am taking flexeril and can only take 1/4 tablet at a time. I am very sensitive to medicine. I have taken Xanax and find it very helpful but works differently then my flexeril. I don’t know what I would do without my flexeril! It’s hard a lot of time these things are trial and error.
I have a compounded suppository with lidocaine and bachlofen. It helps the vaginal pain some and the spasms some but honestly, nothing works as good as .25 mg Xanax. I don’t like being depending upon it but it’s only thing that really stops spasms altogether