Hi Everyone,
This is a cry for help and call for attention as I desperately need help rectifying this,
I’ve seen doctors/pelvic floor specialists/and pudendal neuralgia/had an MRI
which returned as negative but maybe i need to have another one.
Nothing seems to help so please don’t give me the traditional run around, I've tried all methods to try to relax the muscles down there. I’ve tried Epsom salt baths, self massaging internally in my anus, external massage they all seem to make the problem worse.
This is the first time speaking anonymously in a forum about my issues and I’ve been holding back for years.
I’ve become depressed and most of my time I’m anxious due to when I was 17 years old I’ve been clenching the left side of my anus (one of the muscles, nerves) and now I’m 23 I can’t get an erection. The muscles over time have caused my erections to stop. The nerves have either been damaged, or ligaments and muscles are causing sexual pain/discomfort/lack of erections.
I desperately need help or methods and i’ve many times thought of self-harming or suicidal thoughts but never would I carry out those actions unless severe
Its not necessarily the pain but the lack of sexual desire due to not getting erections anymore AT ALL even when watching stimuli
Kind regards,