Hi im new here and im going out of my my with anal pain and burning when i sit down.Ive had this for a few month as im going through a stressful time at the moment.Ive suffered with this before but not for as long has anyone one else suffered with this.The only release i get is when im walking about or laid down although it does take the burning a while to subside until i relax fully x
coccyx and rectal pain and burning - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
coccyx and rectal pain and burning

Go and see your doctor as soon as possible. I misdiagnosed my own pain as haemorrhoids and kept on using creams which made my condition worse. Now I have had an anal fissure for almost a year which won't heal. Please go and see your GP. They will be able to have a look and advise you on the correct treatment for your condition.
Hi i have got Anal fissures because it does sting but this is a deep muscle burning and i can feel it tightening up when i get stressed which is very painful.
Yes. This is what I get from my fissures. When I have a bowel movement, the fissure opens, which is painful both on the toilet and after, but what is really, really painful is when my anal sphincter (which is a muscle) goes into spasm. These spasms are so intense and painful that they sometimes last for 8-12hrs, during which I can't sit, stand, lie down, walk or do anything. It has had a really effect on my mental health and my work.
I too am struggling with a chronic anal fissure. It will almost be a year for me now. As soon as i feel like maybe it is starting to get better it decides to flare up to let me know it’s still there. i would be grateful if you could share any tips to help manage this condition. Ive tried all the ointments including sudocream sometimes the only releif i get is from painkillers but thats not a solution.
Try Anusol rectal suppositories which contain Lidocaine.
Curcumin and Boswellia will help with inflammation.
Eat pineapple and curries with extra turmeric.
Where do you get these suppositories? I am experiencing the same problem/pain
Thanks, Anne
Most pharmacies sell them. If they are not on the counter ask the pharmacist. Explain to him/ her where the pain is.
You can also buy capsicum Pain patches....I use Kenzen capsicum Pain patches from Japan...the best for pain and neuralgia. I’ve used them for ten years and applied them to my anus and buttock with no issues. Wash your hands after you’ve applied them AND wash the area with soap before getting into a shower or tub.
Pascoflair will calm your nervous system which is being overstimulated. It’s from Passion flowers and is a natural calming supplement. Keep calm and carry on.
The rectal pain (if not a fissure) May be due to entrapment of the pudendal nerve (particularly the rectal branch). Try releasing muscles in the upper buttocks with a lacrosse ball. If it makes it worse you are pressing too hard (but on the right track).
Look to the book “pelvic pain explained” for a list of causes of tailbone pain-you’ll need a physical therapist to help relax the muscles listed. Are your pelvic floor muscles tight?
I have had best results when seeing a physical therapist and a fascial counterstrain person in parallel. In fact the latter got rid of almost all my tailbone pain a couple days ago. It is very weird stuff but seems to work. Good luck
Hi, Happy, not happy that you've come to this forum. After many Drs my Colorectal was able to determine that I have Levator Ani. I did at one time have hemmaroids which healed, and then a fissure which also healed. This pain however is way up inside my colon. Stress also makes the pain worse. Sometimes my pain is so bad I can't sit long enuf to eat. Laying down w/ heat and then ice does help for a little while, but still takes time like u describe your pain is like. Thank God it does not happen while I'm sleeping. I've had Electrogalbanic treatments, which very few Drs have the equipment as it is an older machine. It would stop my pain, I would fall asleep even. But as soon as I sat to drive home from Dallas to Mckinney (Tx) it was already back after only a few min in the car. I have had this going on 5 yrs. It has changed my life to really no life at all. At least Google and especially YouTube has an incredible amount of info. I hope for you these symptoms do not match yours, and maybe your Colorectal surgeon finds a fissure, NOT Levator Ani. I have also done internal physical therapy for a yr with very little change at all. I'm in controlled meds because of 2 back surgeries, hip replacement, knee replacement. Theses drugs are a morning time released opioid and hydrocodone 3 times a day, plus Diazepam for spasms. A lot of people have this pain coming and going, mine is constant. Plz go to Dr as soon as you can to get an answer. I can no longer travel over 30 mins and I have to shift and shift while sitting on a "donut" pillow and ice, still excruciating pain. Stay in contact, I would love to hear your outcome and hopefully progress to a painless life! My pain management Dr said if she could she would give me medicinal marijuana, but not legal here. Do use a CBD Cream but you can't use internal. My holistic friend who is very experienced says the medicinal marijuana wouldn't even work, that I would need the THC to relieve the pain. I can't stand the high from it and pain management would tell me bye-bye. So long story long.. I wish you well and plz let me know how u are. Rebecca
Hi the pain was that bad last night i sat on the toilet and just pressed on the inner sphincture at the back closest to the coccyx omg it went into spasm and the pain was bad and this happens everytime i feel stressed lately when i am sat down mainly, while im typing now the pain has subsided but as soon as i think about it it will come back on themuscle left like a tight band.Jayne
Sounds like stress is a def trigger. If you haven't already get to a Colorectal Dr!