Overactive Nervous System: Has anyone... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Overactive Nervous System

airplane profile image
11 Replies

Has anyone looked into the nervous system. SNS

In reading of the common symptoms on this site and the similar medications, If you look at each problem or complaint than the treatment seems to fit. We are a group of people with pelvic pain but have so many unique stories. Is there one thing greater we have as a human body in common? Stress. Our nervous system.

I have seen so many drs, taken all kinds of meds and have had way too tests. I have been running my health like a business, organizing everything and everyone else, being mindful but worrying if I am going to feel better tomorrow. Stress!!!! I’m sure we have all been told to just relax, don’t worry, take your meds and tomorrow is a new day. What if your SNS was being overstimulated.

At first, I thought, just deal with your symptoms, take the meds and have your new normal. The more tests I had, more drs involved, more meds the worse I felt. I was on a cycle. Moreover, many cycles in my life, professional, personal, financial that could be broken down into more cycles. Even my mindfulness was on a cycle. Stressful!!

Our body has 2 nervous systems that control different things in our body. Both are to be balanced. When the SNS becomes dominant over the PNS we are putting our bodies into a mini flight and flight response. Pain shoots up, anxiety builds, depression greatens and then more meds are prescribed. Over time the body starts to break down. I’m sure we have all heard people say they are going to have a “melt down” if they don’t get a break from something causing them stress. I’m starting to wonder if my stress isn’t all of the stress my body is in all the time. If my nervous system is being over stressed then when I add more stressors like a new dr, more tests, a new medication am I now

stressing it out more?

These are just things I’m starting to see, that are happening to me.

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airplane profile image
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11 Replies
Joolibee profile image

Hi airplane. This is a very interesting theory and one that fits in with the idea that anxiety can exacerbate pain. When we are stressed the body produces more cortisol, which I believe can lead to inflammation. (I’m no doctor but I’ve done a lot of research for my own benefit). Have you tried meditation or gentle yoga? I try to practice a little each day and I believe that it helps to minimise my pain levels. I also find that i can be pain free after a long walk in the countryside, which happens to be something I really enjoy. It doesn’t mean that the pain is all in our heads, but that certain activities can affect that brain and body in ways similar to the drugs we are prescribed. I once read a book that I think was called Nerves on Fire, which was a lay person’s guide to the nervous system. It was fascinating and convinced me of the importance of relaxation.

charlee4 profile image

I could have written your posts. This explains my life now. I have had this horrendous condition for 13 years now. The last three years have been so bad that I just pretty much stay home. Hurts to sit to ride to doc appts and anywhere else I need to go. I try to meditate and do some stretching exercises every day. I should get back to my walking but with the heat It is difficult. I enjoy making homemade cards and floral design (with silks). I do those things while standing. I don't seem to really worry about things. I just stay in a fly or fight mode all the time. Pain causes anxiety, and anxiety causes pain. All of which causes depression. I try to stay busy and pretty much do. I don't seem to stand around wishing for something to do. I have a hard time lying down now. Do any of you? It just hurts. Mostly rectal, but when the spasms are bad enough the entire saddle area feels swollen and painful. Thanks for sharing.

charlee4 profile image
charlee4 in reply to charlee4

How long have you had PNE?

Silvergang profile image

I totally agree! I’m in constant pain mode because my brain is in constant alert. I’m doing hypnosis, seeing a pain therapist and reading books on how to reset. Freedom from pain is a great book by Peter Levine. I’m determined to break this as I know how it started... major stress incident.

airplane profile image
airplane in reply to Silvergang

Thank you for reply. I will look into that book for sure. Keep us up to date. Best of wishes. Nancy

Konagirl60 profile image

I had pain so bad that I came to realize I was no longer breathing normally but rather I breathed like a person trying to escape a life threatening event. I simply could not breathe normally at all unless I stood all day.

The pain was not controlled by any of the medications my GP or pain specialist gave me. I was misdiagnosed and left in debilitating pain. The sleep deprivation was so severe that I developed an organic brain disease. I almost died.

Three surgeries later and still dealing with neuralgia ( which is still not completely managed with medications.....I do not want to take an opiate...Tramadol puts me to sleep 24/7....being sedated is not a quality of life. )

I feel you exactly. I need to find a healing centre that can let me sleep, make my meals and offer relaxation and healing treatments. ( spas, reflexology, yoga, meditation etc. ).

Good luck decompressing from all the angst and worry negligent medical care causes. I am pooped! I lost my career and a job I loved, most of my friends and my son was abandoned. I have a lot of healing to do. Good luck.

airplane profile image
airplane in reply to Konagirl60

Wow. I don’t know what keeps you going. I have had different pains in my life but the constant burning in my pelvis, legs and feet is something I have no idea how to overcome. Tried different medications and combinations of but nothing seems to work. I try and distract myself but I find that it is hard to stay focused on just about everything. I think we all need healing hands and hugs. N

Konagirl60 profile image

I guess I am not the type to get depressed and wallow in misery. I keep going and cancel engagements when I have flares, it is what it is. I love myself and I have many interests. My son and I are on the mend and I feel lucky to be alive actually. I have legitimate long term disability and we are about to move somewhere new. I feel a transformation happening....I like it.

airplane profile image
airplane in reply to Konagirl60

What a positive attitude you have. Your son has a great role model. Wishing you the best. Nancy

peters1 profile image

my healing help has been outdoor walks...family and friend time....things i enjoy doing but most importantly my relationship with God my FATHER, JESUS my Savior and the HOLY SPIRIT my comforter. During those times of bad pain i have called on Him. Don't get me wrong i have had those times of discouragement, but refuse to be defeated. Trust God my friend and i pray for your deliverance. Stress is hard on the body and can exacerbate pain and discomfort. Be encouraged

McGraw profile image

Amen! what would we do with out him l know l would not be hear! He is my Rock on which I stand! God bless 🙏

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