Hi. My husband had an Atoms Sling installed for incontinence in November. He had a Prostatectomy done around 14 years ago, followed by a round of radiation therapy. The incontinence grew worse until he felt that he needed this device to improve the quality of his life. He felt intense pain after the operation but it receded (never left) until it became radically worse the end of December/early January. His urologist suggested that the radiation treatment had made the area slow to heal and gave him (grudgingly) heavier medication. Since then my husband had been hospitalized for acute pain three times, every time under the care of the urologist surgeon. The second time the urologist did a reversal surgery to remove the device. Problem is that not all the device was removed. The support that goes around the public bone was left in. All this time the surgeon refused to consider that there might be any other cause other than the radiation. About a month ago he told us that he had done all he could. Last week my husband could not stand the pain anymore and, against our family doctor's wishes (he wanted us to go back under the care of the urology surgeon even though he had told us he had no idea what to do) we went to a different hospital that housed a chronic pain clinic. The diagnosis was pudendal nerve damage. I should say that every stay in hospital included the upping of dosage of opiods and addition of more and more drugs including drugs for nerve pain. My husband had begged for a second opinion on the numerous occasions that we were forced to go back to the surgeon's office for follow up (where he barely did more than look at the incision). But we had to go, in order to get the drugs. My husband has suffered excruciating pain for close to 5 months during this fiasco. We found it so difficult to obtain answers and still no one is addressing the cause of the pain. The chronic pain clinic is going to do a nerve block. But the cause will still remain. Could anyone tell us what are our options regarding finding a professional who will try to fix this, not lay a layer of drugs over it.
Pudendal nerve damage following inser... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pudendal nerve damage following insertion of Atoms Sling

Hi there pudendal72, miss el Neil in uclh London does the mesh removal on women with mesh worth a try asking to speak with her secretary regarding your husbands circumstances. she does take NH's patients as well as private. she is one of the best surgeons in the country as there are very few who can remove this device. miss el neil removed mine back in 2013 and her list continues to grow. she prescribed pregabalin and amitriptyline for the nerve pain which I have been taking ever since. hope this helps
Thank you. I will check into her on the internet. Unfortunately, we live in Canada (sorry, forgot to mention that). But if and when my husband can travel, we would be up for any thing.
My husband had his Prostate removed 6 years ago as he had aggressive Prostate cancer. He too needed an artificial device for bladder incontinence (artificial sphincter) it has worked brilliantly so far but recently he has suffered a little urinary incontinence, but no pain. He may need the device changed in a couple of years. Occasionally he has a little blood loss but the London Surgeon says it is due to the Radiotherapy and so long as the blood is clear not to worry. I am sorry your husband is experiencing pain, maybe they should check his device.
Do you live near London? The Surgeon who looks after my husband is brilliant.