Sorry it's been a while since I provided update re DRG Stimulator implant. I believe last post was after Rep adjusted my lead strengths on February 5. When I left hospital highest lead strength was 19. On Feb 5 my Rep had me stand to adjust strengths. When I left she had highest setting at 52. One lead was increased 7 fold.
Within five days I experienced pelvic pain which I never had before as well as back pain, burning thighs and tightening in lower bottom half. In other words I felt like I was being ripped apart. When I called Rep I was told to lower highest number a couple points - no explanation.
Returned to Dr 2/27 and told him. He agreed leads were set too high. Explained to Rep my leads needed adjusting while I was laying on table as that is when I experienced most problems. When I left highest setting was 18. Rep said it would take a week for nervous system to settle down as it had been overstimulated. I have caught several mistakes made by Rep so you really have to be your own advocate.
I am overall 50% better. It did take about six weeks to recover from procedure. I no longer have severe spasms from rectum to vagina. I continue having low back pain and tightening and burning in bottom of buttocks. I have stopped Lyrica but continue with one baclofen and two Tramadol 50.
Hope to meet with Rep this week. I am happy I had it implanted and hope for more relief soon. Rocky68