Hi all,
I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis in 2014, and quickly had a laparoscopy to remove large cyst on right ovary and lots of adhesions. Less than a year later, the cyst had grown back and I had a second laparoscopy. I was immediately given injections to induce the menopause after last lap to minimise recurrence risk. However, from about 3 weeks post-op I started having terrible pelvic pain when having a bowel movement, intercourse/orgasm or doing any kind of high-impact exercise like running or fitness classes. I also get a throbbing/aching feeling in my genitals/rectum with arousal. I assumed the symptoms were linked to healing process so I waited for it to settle down but when 3 months later it was still the same, I saw my gynaecologist again. He said it would be nothing to do with endo as I was in the menopause and had just had everything excised, so he referred me to gasteroenterologist. They did blood tests, stool samples but said everything looked normal so they just told me to basically grin and bear it and try not to get constipated (which makes pain worse) - she said she suspected I have IBS. The pain isn't constant but it's very regular and tends to be episodic. It often means I have to put my feet up for days at a time when it's bad. Pain killers seem to have no effect. I've also recently developed some lower back pain but I don't know if this is linked. I've found a pelvic pain specialist Dr Baranowski who I am seeing in March but I am desperate for answers and have now waited over a year to try and figure out what is going on. It's completely ruining my relationship and my self-esteem. I feel like no one believes me/is taking me seriously. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I'm desperate for some advice.