I haven't been to see a gp as yet but I'm sure that I have had a prolapse occur from my bowel to my vagina as sex is a no no & even inserting a tampon causes pain
Prolapse query: I haven't been to see a... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Prolapse query

Hi I have a bowel prolapse that my GP said was bladder prolapse !!! Having surgery soon to put it right. I can either have general anaesthetic or epidural. Havnt made my mind up yet. You need to see your GP might not be either. Best wishes. xx
Hi can you please update on how you get on with your surgery, I'm 19 and have been diagnosed with a prolapse but still awaiting to see a gynaecologist.. thankyou X
Hi I will. It won't be for a month or two because I have to use meds for two months first. Happy new year. xx
Thankyou so much, look forward to hearing how you get on, best of luck! And happy new year too xx
Better to see your doctor before assuming. You could waste a lot of time worrying and stress makes everything worse. Physiotherapists can help after diagnosis.