Hi All! I am hoping that by posting this info I might find someone who has had similar symptoms who can give me some advice.
In 2012 following on from a long period of left side abdominal pain (started suddenly and episodically and then became constant) I had a laproscopy where adhesions were found which had pulled my bowel out of line. These were removed and I was then fine. I was never referred to see anyone to check my bowel had righted itself, never struck me I needed to until it was questioned by my new GP! I was given a laproscopy as the surgeon at the hospital that I saw said my problems were gynae and the gynae department were sure I had endometriosis, no sign of this was found.
In November last year I was taken to A&E twice in severe pain which nobody has gotten to the bottom of although it was suggested that I was constipated (I refute this!). I had x-rays and an ultrasound. The pain has now developed to almost constant again and is left sided, mostly a sore burning feeling but at times a nagging poking/twisting pain. Some times is it much stronger than others. I have issues with my bowels now and am taking Macrogol to keep things moving; this follows the pattern prior to my last surgery and makes me think my bowel is out of alignment again.
I am currently waiting for a urology appointment in 2 weeks (ultrasound showed a simple cyst on right side kidney) for a follow up and colo-rectal in February to try and get to the bottom of the pain. I changed GP surgery in November and these seem to be quite pro-active in getting things checked.
In desperation I went to see a GP on Friday as I was in real pain and it is starting to affect my ability to do my job properly. She gave me a good going over, it hurt, and read all my notes and she said her assumption is adhesions again as I don't fit with any other diagnosis she could think of. She also refused to try and accelerate the hospital appointments as I am not urgent. She said that even if I have adhesions that this has not caused a blockage that she can feel so I will just have to wait.
Does anyone have any suggestions for coping with daily pain? I am, to be honest, feeling a bit worn by it as it is now almost constant and it's depressing.