Another unsuccessful appt: I booked to... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Another unsuccessful appt

12 Replies

I booked to see my gp today and he refused todo anyhtign about my pelvic painsayign anyhtign stomach related he went going to even acknowledge.this is a new problem and I can barely walk for it. I asked for a pelvic bone scan and this was refused as was the bone growth i have in my nose and browbone.

12 Replies

He must have good reason not to investigate yourb problems. Did he give you any clue as to why they were refused scans?

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i dont feel he has a good valid reason not to do scans.he has based everythign on scans taht i ahd three years ago and not accepted any symptoms i ahve had since is him just being awkward to put it politely.everyone knows that ultrasound scans dont detect bone disorders.he didnt support me re consultants who failed to make a diagnosis and only said what things were not .since then he has not accepted anything i have told him and recorded things in my notes such as "complaining of headache" and saying "its your stomach".

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its obvious the reason he wont do anymore scabs or discuss my stomach is cos he knows he is in the wrong.

the list gets longer.since 2011-nasal probs,tho seen by ENT no diagnosis, dermatologist as recommended by A&E -not referred,rheumy-diet etc -no diagnosis-not listen,no support from gp on these.two years of stomach probs,difficulty swallowing,choking and coughing, one year of pelvic pain,swelling ,hearng/tinnitus/noises and voices.

.several years of not eating feeling full ,weight loss elsewhere and gain on stomach (3 stone).I have kept a diary/timescale of the last three years of onset of symptoms .why I saw gp -outcome of consultations .

Tooto profile image

Sorry to hear what you are going through with this gp. Sounds like you need to go and see another doctor. A lot of time can be wasted on doctors who don't hear their patients, and a lot of time saved with doctors who take you seriously. Are there other doctors in your area? Can you travel?

there is not another surgery i can go to .i dont drive and other surgeries are in remote villages not easily accessible.i t takes 2 hours of my day each time i go to the doctors and i wouldnt spend that amount of time going for no reason

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Can you maybe go private in a different country ? I went private last year for an obgyn in London, but he was really bad (Dr Rosenthal A. at Fitzroy) ..and 200 gbp so I wouldn't recommend it..Can you maybe go to Germany? A lot of drs there speak English and might be cheaper?

I think NHS is cutting back on costs and this is why we don't get offered decent treatment.

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NHS cutting back on costs why should patients have to suffer. Maybe reduce gps wages to save money.

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Mary Jane I agree with your idea of trying a doctor in a different country. Since we left UK and moved to Switzerland my care has been dramatically better. After years of pain and gradual withdraw from family and relationships I was diagnosed very quickly and my treatment has been great. In fact my Gyni last time I saw him told me several times to stop apologising (a habit I have got into because Endo can make you feel like you are such a burden and a nuisance to everyone). 'You have nothing to apologise for'. I am very lucky to have found him and for now he has me on a good treatment and is very understanding. Good luck xx Anbuma3 and keep strong.

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however beneficial for want of a word that might be .it also costs money fro travel hotel expenses??and i could not afford them.

3rd attempt to write a reply.other two got lost cos for whatever reason it wouldn't Rainbowdream-ill try btu not easy when get no support from gp.and one who refuses to discuss anything abdominal related yet will ask about my dogs!so tired today -ddint go to bed til 2am and woken at 5 by sleep this pm and coudlnt lie down on my sofa as Annie sprawled out on her to shift so I could lie down and she then asked to go out ,then the little bugger will collar the sofa whilst I shut the door!

so uncomfortable tonight-stomach and neck-not eaten much today.stomach feels like my neck has been cut.feels like its been cut with a knife.abdomen recently increased in weight -about half a stone .have list of symptoms to put to gp and they are a sign of. (OC)know last pelvic scan _done ages ago-was normal

neck tight everytime I put my head down to look at keyboard.want answers for swelling and skin rashes etc.still think swollen abdo is something to do with not having my gallbladder.

think thats it cant recall anymore.have to write post as a separate document and post it.

night night.

dknees4 profile image
dknees4 in reply to

anbuma3; As you are discovering, there are many, many GP's that are completely clueless when it comes to chronic pelvic pain. On top of that lack of knowledge, most are not interested in finding out about it and how to treat it. I learned early on that I would have to take charge of my own health issues and also be aggressive about it. I am unfamiliar with the UK's health program but do what is necessary to find a specialist whose practice is "Urogynocology." This type of specialist is familiar with our disorder & can treat it or refer us to someone who can. Also keep a supply of strong pain pills on hand for "pelvic pain flares" They will help you cope with the pain until the Dr. can get you started on Botox or kenalog injections. A physical therapist can help as well by stretching your pelvic muscles from the inside. (painful-but effective). Stay emotionally strong and be well..!!

in reply to dknees4

hello thank you fro your reply .ive booked an appointment on thurs day with my gp in the hope to resolve issues but I cant see him budging .have you had these injections?and are they injected into the pelvic area?i get criticize dfor researching on the internet btu maybe gps need to do so too as ive been told in one breath by one person that gps don't know everything and then that they don't spend 7 years training for nothing.

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