I've been trying to conceive for more than two years. I am 25. My partner has two children. I suffered with ovarian cysts a year ago, which lasted around four months. When I was 17, I had a medical abortion. ( At the time was very right, very bad abusive relationship). If I've had ovarian cystys,( I didn't have surgery to remove these) could I have blocked fallopian tubes? I know I seem young but I am so desperate. Xxx
I've been trying to conceive for more... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
I've been trying to conceive for more than two years.please read and help me my doctor is useless...

You do not seem young. It's not been many generations that all have children in their 30s and 40s. It's totally your choice. When you say trying are you on any medication to bolster you? Have you had an ultrasound to check your ovaries at the moment? You have to persist with your doctors and get the help you need. You want a baby and you have not been told why you might be struggling to. I know it's hard and they don't care but keep trying different doctors in the clinic until one listens. It's horrible but you do have to do all the work. Best of luck. I used vitabiotics trying to conceive tablets so I had the right nutrition and it keeps your period regular. Xx
2 years waiting is too long. Normally after 12 months Your GP should refer you for tests including, bloods to check your hormones, ultrasound for ovaries & lining and, if needed Hsg to check Fallopian tubes are open. Ask your GP or see another GP. Your age has nothing to do with any of this. Tubes can get blocked at any age.
Sounds like you need to have some blood tests to check your hormone levels.
Are your periods regular?
Hi there i was in exactly the same boat as you! But i was very grateful i had a fantastic doctor! But they are hard to find!
I had irregular periods n didn't ovulate every month often had cysts but trying to get a doctor to help me when i was so young was difficult! I was even younger than you at the time i was only 19 but married! Thankfully i found one doctor who said it didn't matter my age if you feel ready then we will help you where as others said they wouldn't help me till i was at least 27! Why 27 i don't know! He sent me to a fertility hospital where they did all my bloods and internal examinations which well they weren't nice to go through! Found out i had polististic overies, (probs spelt that wrong lol) and i also had a blocked fallopian tube too! I was told my chances of ever having a child where only 5%. They put me on clomid to increase my chances! They only give you three chances for this to work and i was extremely lucky as i fell pregnant on my last try! And then went on to successfully have a second without any help it was as though the medication kick started my body into production mode! This drug can only be prescribed by hospitals though, also all of this took place through over two yrs! My daughters are now one and three and i am so thankful for that one doctor who gave me the opportunity other wise who knows where i would be without the help as i am still under 27 so could have still been childless if it weren't for him! I really hope you get some help but in the meantime relax and try not to think about it too much as stress is a big reason for not conceiving! Easier to say i know! Keep using ovulation sticks if possible although i know they are expensive xx wish you luck just keep trying different doctors till one listens!