I suffer pudendal nerve entrapment for fifteen years and I have been told the only solution is to have an operation in France and I don't have the money, is there any charitable organization can sponsor this operation?
Is there any charitable organization ... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Is there any charitable organization to help me?

Im sorry but I have no idea but just wanted to wish you the very best of luck in your search love Karen xx
I too suffer from PNE, it's devastating and life changing and I really feel for you. I have had a couple of nerve blocks, although they haven't helped yet, I've been told there is a 33% that they may. I just wondered if you've had any yet. Also do you take any medication?
My heart goes out to you xx
Gabapentin might help
Hello. I am so sorry I don't know of any charity but just wanted to ask if you had exhausted all avenues in UK ? Dr De Mello / Dr Greenslade and others who are mentioned on this web site .
hi there,
I am so sorry to hear your sufferings. I have PN and/or pelvic pain too. At the moment getting some physio treatment and buying a book for self-treatment.
I know an website where they claim to assist people with PNE financially who don't have sufficient fund. But one needs to meet some criteria before apply. I don't know much more than that. But worth a try.
website pudendalhope.info
under I want to
choose apply for assistance
Then fill in the form meeting the criteria.
Besides that it is an excellent website for pne and pn education and support.
I wish you the best!
Check out PeudendalHope.com. My son has PNE and we too are searching for solutions both physically and financially. We have been to Houston to see Dr. Ansell, but the surgery is only 40-60% successful. Just read about Dr. Aaron Filler in Santa Monica, Ca. that does some type of image guided laproscopic surgery and claims 85-90% success rate. He claims that he developed the MRN and there are 3 areas in which the peudendal nerve can be entrapped. Will try to find out if anyone on this site has been to Santa Monica and seen Dr. Filler.
How is it cheaper to travel to France? What is air fare, hotel cost, hospital cost and any other expenses to encounter?