I was a competitive cyclist when I had accident falling on the saddle, 11 years now with tightness and pain in the pelvic and legs. Any other one that can shed some light? I have had a TON of tests..
I was a competitive cyclist when I had accident falling on the saddle, 11 years now with tightness and pain in the pelvic and legs. Any other one that can shed some light? I have had a TON of tests..
Google pudendal neuralgia
From what I understand when you have an accident such as yours and similar to my own experience, the muscles tighten and shorten and this is what then causes pain. In an effort to get the injury to heal, there is a mistaken belief often to do less dreading to make the injury worse and so the muscles tighten further and the pain continues. Amy Stein's book 'Heal your pelvic pain' has made a huge difference to my understanding of my own pain and I can say has made me about 90%better. I know every injury/accident is different but you speak of tightness and leg pain and those were exactly my symptoms. Take heart and live in hope.
Has anyone suggested it could be pudendal nerve damage? It's also called a cyclists injury?
I hurt myself on a one hundred and fifty mile bike ride and eight years later I am still in pain. What allowed me to return to work was moderate doses (20mg) of oxycontin. I am now retired but diagnosis has come down to pudendal nerve neuralgia. Pain is now bearable but still uncomfortable. Do not think there is any cure. Moral is cycling especially long distance can be dangerous.