Posts - PBCers Organization | HealthUnlocked

PBCers Organization

1,445 members282 posts

All posts for February 2020


Just this week, I've been having an issue with my urine smelling strange. I don'...
JoanneDx2016 profile image

Hi there.

Hi. I'm Mary Jo. I was diagnosed 2 months ago with PBC after more than 5 years o...
mjdecker47 profile image

Mucus and sore throat

It’s been a week since being diagnosed with Stage 2 PBC. My doctor stopped the U...
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Second opinion?

I was diagnosed with Stage 2 PBC. I live in Richmond Virginia area. Does anyone ...
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Is this normal when you start taking Ursodiol?

I was diagnosed February 16, 2020 with Stage 2 PBC. I have so many questions and...
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Anyone have a suggestion for a good doctor for a PBC patient in the Phoenix area?

We are in the process of moving our primary residence from Illinois (Chicago are...
j4giz profile image

Dr Silviera’s fatigue study at Yale

In November of 2019 the PBCers Organization set up a booth at AASLD Liver Meetin...
PBCCarol profile image

Friends of former PBC digest.Where are you all?

Since I signed out from daily yahoo-digest because of email overflow I found thi...
gardenfun profile image

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