Does anyone have problems with their balance ??
I have PBC fibromyalgia high blood pressure and cervical spondolitis fusion of the lower spine.
But I have balance problem and have weird feeling in my legs my right one is numb from the knee down and both legs are very weak I find it hard to het out of a chair and at night it feels like something crawling underline my skin in both legs and they twitch a lot.
In 2010 I had an emg test carried out and the consultant conducting the test said all my muscles showed signs of demylation he said all the nylon sheath that covet the nerve endings where damaged
When I saw a neuorologist he just said the machine was faulty!
I was do gob smacked o didn't say can I have a retest
I have asked my gp to refer me back again recently as the numbness is getting worse but have heard nothing.
Has anyone got any ideas ??
I am so mad because the consultant doin g the test said he couldn't tell what was causing it but it was not right and gave me a copy which I gave to my gp as he hadn't had a copy
What else can I do ???