Hi to all my fellow PBC'ers,
I have just got back from another endoscopy, where they have tied off 5 more varicies ( this subsequent to the last five I had tied off six weeks ago).
I saw the nurse speciaist and she said my bilirubin was eleveated again and that they were repeating the blood test and if it was as bad as before ( actually they also suspect it maybe worse than the previous one, and I agree I am looking more jaundiced now) they will refer me back to the transplant centre for assessment again ( they have apprantley agreed to see me again based on my bloods)
I had a weeks assessment in a transplant unit in July last year only to be told my liver had "bounced back" after its crisis? his meant I was not suitable to go on the list at that time. I wondered if anyone had been through a second assessment again, and if so did they have to have all the pre assessment transplant tests done again?
I HATE this disease and its unpredictability!