Dear all, I'm finally getting my head around my PBC diagnosis, it took me almost 2 years to accept it but I think I'm there. I have to think about the future now. My husband has diabetes, I have PBC, stage o, thank God for that... Now, that the "what ifs" and constantly with me... I need life/health insurance. I'm 40 years old and he's 50.Who are you with, who do you suggest? We don't have children, we only have each other. Thank you and best wishes x
Life insurance/health insurance in UK. Ple... - PBC Foundation
Life insurance/health insurance in UK. Please advise!!! Thank you.

Hi Beatris03
I wonder if an insurance broker or financial adviser locally to you would be the best source of information.
I do not have any life/health insurance.
hope you find something, best wishes
I wonder if the PBC foundation would know of reputable companies, for you to try.
I don’t have this insurance I just assumed i wouldn’t get cover or if I did it would be very expensive , so I never bothered looking in to it.
Hope you find something suitable for you.
Hi, can I ask where do you live. I’m in the UK I don’t have life insurance don’t need health cover whilst we can rely on the good old NHS ! I have savings to cover funeral costs, house paid for so fiigger rightly or wrongly I’m sorted. I am 71 next month so life insurance for me is a waste of money. Good luck stay healthy
maybe give the foundation a call although I'm not sure they can recommend any one company in which case its a shop around I'm afraid as you are so young. good luck!