Itchy skin and when scratched causes bruising any explanation? This is only one of the bruises that have appeared..
Unexplained itching causing bruising when s... - PBC Foundation
Unexplained itching causing bruising when scratched?!

I'm sorry you aren't feeling too got.the itching can dry you mad. What are you taking for it? I'm on fexofenadine 180mg which does help. I do bruise a little bit with it. Please make an appointment with your Gp or go to out of hours and see a Gp. You could phone 111 for advice. Take care Lynne

I’m not taking anything for it, it’s jjst recently occurred never had the issue before :/ I will contact my gp. I am on sertraline but don’t think it would be them as I have been on them a while now..
I do hope you go on ok, don't be fobbed off!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thank you so much! Such a nice person much appreciated xx
You are very welcome. Please let me know how you go on please . Take care Lynne
Hi rainbow3210,
Before getting my itch under control i was covered in bruises and cuts constantly. I still get itchy but nothing like what i use to,thankfully.
I do hope you get some relief soon as it is horrible.
Take care Angela x
before medication I itched so badly that dealing with it would cause me to bruise. I am now prescribed colestyramine which takes the edge off, then Rifampicin was added and later sertraline all of which mask the itch bad have not rid me of it completely so occasionally especially if I am hot or stressed (or almost anything really) the itch is present and with it bruises.
Hello I have suffered the terrible itching from PBC and nothing I mean nothing stops it but the children's liquid benadryl I take nightly just to get some sleep. I've itch or get tingling itching feeling inside and my entire body is ruined from scars and spots. I was diagnosed with PBC disease in 2017 after having two liver biopsies which first one hospitalized me has internal bleeding. I see a dr from University of Michigan that's checking to see if I can have a procedure called plasmapheresis that can stop itching for some liver patients for a month or so but I'm patiently waiting. I also use a lotion called Sarna that gives me a little relief.
Goodluck with your journey this is a good site for keeping informed 😊
Liver disease results in a decrease of blood clotting factors which results in bruising easily. Not pretty but true.