My consultant has just prescribed urso 3 to be taken at night, but on the enclosed leaflet it says to take 1 3xday for the first 3 months. How do other newly diagnosed take theirs?
Urso, how to take it: My consultant has just... - PBC Foundation
Urso, how to take it

I split up my dose and take it with food twice a day.
Hi I’ve only been on urso for 3 weeks, I was told to take 3 a day with food & said I could take them all together or split them up over the day. I usually take 1 in the morning, I sometimes forget the one at lunch time as I don’t always eat lunch so end up taking the other 2 with my evening meal
I take mine all at night. No problems. It’s better if you have a little snack with it (like half a banana, crackers, etc). It tastes bitter when it gets stuck in your throat. I have dry mouth so have to really push it far then drink water to get them down. Hope that helps.
Thanks for your reply. Will try taking them with food before bed.
I have taken 3x250 Urso with water after breakfast for 19 years without any problems. I would forget to take them if I split them up to take at different times. Experiment to see which way suits you.
To start I spread them out but no I take the lot first thing so I don’t forget
They are low toxicity so most are fine with it any way
I take 500mg twice a day. One in the morning, one at night. I'd love to take 500x2 at once, in the morning, to get it out of the way. Please, keep us posted how x3 at night works for you.
As the PIL states initial dose is recommended to be split over the day. I believe but do not know for sure that splitting the dose helps your body adjust to the medication. Some people report indigestion/heartburn when starting URSO. After 3 months it is suggested that all meds can be taken at the same time but many find it suits them best to split the dose for myself I take all mine with dinner. Please also note that medication should be prescribed relative to weight which some doctors fail to appreciate. Not newly diagnosed but hope this is helpful. Great group on here with much personal experiences should you need to share. Best wishes
My consultant still says to take mine twice a day, that’s after 10 years. I took them 3x a day to start with. So I go with what the doctor says, for me. However I think which ever way means your compliant with taking the correct dose every day is an important factor. If taking them split out over the day means your likely to forget a dose your better taking them all at once.
I used to forget to take mine so my consultant said take them all in one go. So I do. I have five doses of the liquid Urso just before bed.
I take one in the morning and two at night as that’s what my consultant told me 😊
2 with breakfast and 1 with dinner
Most people are told to split the dose through the day, however, I read an article a couple of years ago by Dr Jones of Newcastle who recommended taking them at night as they were more effective in his view (he’s an expert on PBC) I have taken them at night ever since and my consultant is absolutely delighted with my blood results. I finally told him I was taking them all at night (6 x 250mg) his response was that it didn’t matter when I was taking them as long as I keep taking them. He said patients at told to split them through the day for convenience. I continue to take the full dose at night. x
I take 2 in the morning together as I have a tendency to forget later in the day.
I have been taking urso for a week now and have noticed that my itching has got worse. I can't sleep as I'm scratching all night long and I also have really bad indigestion. Is this normal when you first start taking urso? It's driving me crazy! I also have lots of small raised spots on my skin and really itchey eyes. Are these all part of pbc? Could cope with everything else but the itching. New to this site so would be glad of some feedback from you all. Thanks in advance.
Hi Spanishnan,
yes, there are initially a few side affects which go away over time,
I wish someone had told me when I first started taking URSO 18 months ago.
Initially, small itching, upset tummy and very pungent body odour,
I guess there is a settling in period for taking the URSO,
Think about it, the body is probably trying to release any stored toxins.
All of the above settled after a while for me.
The only way to look at it is to try (as best possible) see it as a positive thing that the backed up toxins are moving and trying to get out of the body, and once they do your liver function will improve .
If I could give you some other bits of advise:
Do your best to keep your system digesting:,
1. Regular light skin brushing to keep pores free to release any toxins,
2. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg to keep the bowels moving,
Clean up your diet, plenty of fresh food, fruit, veg
, Reduce Sugar/Salt as much as you can
Reduce heavy fats i.e. processed foods
3. Plenty of water and herbal teas to keep the kidneys flushing toxins
4. Exercise 3 times a week to keep all of the above digestive systems moving toxins out of the body
I fought with changing my diet, but now realise its about eating foods the system can eliminate easily
Anytime I over indulge with eating processed foods I pay the price - ITCH
Hang in there and hopefully you will see the benefit when you have your bloods analysed next.
Please feel free to message me
Best of luck xx