Why is ursidiol so expensive? With my insurance a 30 day supply is 76.00 and a 90 day supply is 106.00. Is that what you all pay? I have not reached my deductible for 2019 yet and I am newly diagnosed and was just prescribed this medicine on 1-8-19 and for this 1st time getting it filled its costing 254.00 but that includes my deductible. Any suggestions on how I can get the price down?
Ursidiol cost?: Why is ursidiol so expensive... - PBC Foundation
Ursidiol cost?

Also my dr. Said no sodium at all. He only wants me to drink water and to start cutting out meat. Is this normal? I currently weigh 197lbs and I have 6 months to get down to 175lbs ( follow up visit.) Any suggestions on what I should be eating or any good recipes you guys have used. My email is jessicamorgan29@gmail.com
I also have to loose weight. The American liver foundation makes these wonderful cooking videos.
I only pay $3 for 90 pills (one month supply) of generic Actigall, labeled Ursodiol.
Have you looked on goodrx.com?can get a monthly coupon
I checked their site but they dont have a discount for the 300mg. I see one for the 250mg and 500mg
If your in the US you can download the app Goodrx to get discounts on Urso.
We can thank that jerk who raised the price of the Epipen. He bought one of five urso manufacturers and raised the US price tenfold. All the others followed suit. Our US healthcare system at its best!
I work 40 hrs a week and just spent almost an entire paycheck just on this medicine and on the multivitamin the dr has recommended. Its absurd I'm literally working to buy meds. It's a shame they are allowed to raise the price so high knowing millions of people need this and will have to take it for their life time. Big pharmaceutical here in the U.S. is out if control.
Jess, it is ridiculous...that’s why when you vote you research the position of your candidate and write to your representatives about prescription prices...imagine having no insurance or the elderly...I’m a pharmacy tech and what I see it an absolute shame....GoodRx has been the only place I’ve found with a big enough discount....and those prices vary widely around the country...
I had to change insurance companies to get a prescription I could afford for urso. I changed from HealthNet to Moda. Healthnet put urso into a tier 4 drug which was in the hundreds for a 90 day supply. I now have Moda in which it is a tier 2 drug which costs me $60 for a 90 day supply. I take a 500 mg twice a day. I am in Oregon.
Extremely lucky to be in the UK where we have our amazing NHS. Because I have an under active thyroid too and am reliant on thyroxine all my meds are free. If I didn’t qualify for free prescriptions I would still only pay a modest fee per med per rx of £8.80, or you can pre-pay per 3 months and it’s even cheaper.
I am in northeastern NB, Canada. I am lucky, as my insurance covers 80 % of the cost of all drugs. I feel for people who can’t afford to take Urso, and truly cannot afford NOT to.