Urso difficulties obtaining: I have just been... - PBC Foundation

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Urso difficulties obtaining

Shirleygreen profile image
14 Replies

I have just been to the chemist to pick up my urso and have been told there is difficulties in supply. I have been off line for a bit so dont know if there have been similar questions. The chemist advised that I go back to my gp and ask for it in capsule form. Is this okay? Has everyone else had similar problems obtaining their normal supply?

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14 Replies

Its possibly a month since the original recall notice and pharmacists should have been well able to work out how to substitute in that time.

There are a number of suppliers who supply in 150mg tablets, and some who supply in 250mg. I believe Wockhart was the only supplier of 300mg tablets.

I have had my supply made up in 150mg's tablets, and I believe its the same for many others

Unless your prescription specifically states 300mg tablets, it should be perfectly possible for your pharmacist to make up the requirement in different strength tablets

in reply to overnighthearingloss

I actually found the manufacturers of urso overnighthearingloss and you are quite right, there was only wockhardt who did make the 300mgs. I did have the info but it is on the desktop on another computer, I never thought to send it to myself to email as I do with pictures.

You can get tablets though as you have mentioned, they are available in 150mgs and as you have said as I missed off in a previous posting on this subject, if your script states, 'usodeoxycholic acid 150mgs tablets' then that is what you get, not capsules.

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PS Forgot to say, the pharmacy cannnot give a script out that states a certain mg. Expect to return to your GP for a corrected script. I did ask about this at a different pharmacy who I rang with regards to Wockhardt urso (they have never stocked) but can't say in this case of recall if it would be possible?

I think the GP a month on should be aware of the recall myself.

This thread may be useful to you

It lists a number of different suppliers of the drug


Shirleygreen profile image
Shirleygreen in reply to overnighthearingloss

Thanks for reply

imansmum profile image

Hi Shirley green

yes lots of PBCers have had this problem,take a look at the question headed Urso 300mg there are lots of answers there.Hope this helps,All the best

Shirleygreen profile image
Shirleygreen in reply to imansmum

Thanks for reply

Hello shirleygreen.

I read on here last week that some of you were having difficulties getting the urso from Wockhardt in 300mgs currently.

I too take this same urso and was concerned as I am going to be requesting a repeat script for it in a few wks time. I checked online on the site that I think Val02 (?) has put on and it has been recalled from pharmacies, this was in July. I am still taking my current urso regardless but know that when I get a repeat script, I won't be able to do so.

I messaged my GP surgery with the question about urso and didn't get a reply that I was expecting so shall now have to wait and see what happens when I request the script. One of the 3 GPs in surgery messaged me back and he wasn't aware with regards to the drug as he said he would try to do some checking but at the same time told me to take it up with the pharmacy! I informed the GP I was going to be requesting a new script soon too. I know that GPs are made aware of drug changes and also what's available. I did have a GP go through his list of drugs Oct last year as I thought then the urso I had got was a bit different (the brand name had been dropped off packaging, same manufacturer tho', just cheaper to the NHS), was informed then that the brand of URDOX I had been having had been removed from their list and the pharmacy said the same when I went for that script. (If a GP writes a script for ursodeoxycholic acid and no brand plus the mgs a pharmacy can give you any in that format that they have in stock.)

I contacted pharmacy where I normally go, was given a ring back later in the day but got a bit of a surprise as I was expecting to be informed I wouldn't be able to get this tablet by this manufacturer, was informed otherwise, there was still some in stock!! I didn't think it right but was assured the recall was in July (we are in August).

I emailed Wockhardt customer service in UK and did get a reply back, they stated the drug had been recalled at pharmacy and also hospital level only and said due to production in India and that this one (as there were several other drug recalls same time by this manufacturer) had been done so in July. I decided to email back saying that in this case no pharmacy should have this particular urso 300mgs in stock currently and I got a reply back stating that no pharmacy in UK should in fact now have the to supply to patients.

So know when I get my script if it still states 300mgs from the GP I will not take it to the pharmacy I've been going to for over 2yrs. I am hoping the GP has by that time picked up on the fact that as far as I can see online with regards to who manufactures urso, he changes my script and I come away with 150mgs that I will have to double up. There is a company who does make the urso stil lin white tablet form in 150mgs as well as capsule so I am expecting to receive white tablets and not capsules. What I am hoping for is the same 90 days supply I normally receive as I had to really haggle with the GPs to receive this due to the fact I pay for the script and given it is a drug that is expected to be on for life and currently no problems with it, I cannot see the point in keep visiting the GP for repeat scripts for it. What I am really hoping doesn't happen is myself having to make an appt to sort the script out. First time since 2010 the year of diagnose I will have managed not going in to see a GP in 6 months (bloods are at 6 months for the first time too this year) and then I find out about urso, Sod's Law, eh? I expect I'll have the heads up as I order my script online and the mgs are on there so I should know prior to collecting the script if it has been issued like that.

susanantovil profile image
susanantovil in reply to

Hi everyone, I'm from the U.S.A. and am reading about everyone's problems with their med. I don't want want to sound stupid but you all say your on urso, is that short for Ursodiol. If so in the states there is no recall and no shortage. I also am on 300mg 3 pills a day. I get my medication threw the mail because it is alot cheaper this way. I get a 3 month supply for one co- pay. I think it comes out to $18.00 in US dollars for a 3 month supply. I wish there was so way I could help.

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to susanantovil

There was a class 2 drug recall in the UK last month


It related to drugs produced at Wockhart. I dont know who supplies your drugs or if this has been picked up in any way Stateside, but the drug most in this community are concerned about is Ursodeoxycholic Acid 300mg from Wockhart.

Shirleygreen profile image
Shirleygreen in reply to

Thanks for all the info will go to gp tomorrow

I contacted my GP last week by phone and explained the situation. She had no record of the recall but wrote me out a prescription for extra 150mg urso. The only thing is she only gave me the usual 60 tablets which are only going to last me 10 days.

in reply to

Hello Nannabn.

I'm just hoping that my GP has taken note of the message I sent last week to surgery over the online system.

I got a message back stating that the GP who replied wasn't in the know about this and tho' he informed me I should take it up with the pharmacy (which I thought, "Some help!") I am hoping that when I request a new script at the beginning of Sept he wrote on my notes to check on the request.

I can check the onlilne system for when the script is issued as in England takes 48hrs from request to collect and when the 'issued' status is put on the system, I will know if I've got the wrong - 300mgs - script or if it has been altered. Just hoping if altered to 150mgs to make up the dosage then I have been issued the 90 days I have been receiving as online it just states 180 tablets (took 2 x 300mgs per day). If it doesn't I will surely take this up too as I have to pay for my prescriptions or I wouldn't bother what quantity I got.

Shirleygreen profile image
Shirleygreen in reply to

Hi Nannabn went to gp this afo and he had gone home sick!! Have to wait for someone to call me 2moro. Will remember to ask him or her for double amount if they give me the 150 mg ones

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