Hiya all I've got a cold sore for the first time in my life. Is this connected to my pbc? I feel that every ache pain etc is related. I'm confused
Col sore worry: Hiya all I've got a cold sore... - PBC Foundation
Col sore worry

I was the same way and talked to my liver doc and asked almost every time is this my disease, is it getting worse.... he was very patient with me but sometimes a cold sore is just a cold sore.... first or not was basically his response..... as long as your enzymes are basically the same he told me to relax a little
I have read a few times now that there is a theory that viruses may be a trigger for autoimmune diseases. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, so maybe it's a trigger if you are already genetically prone to autoimmunity. My ex-husband had sarcoidosis, and got cold sores from childhood. He passed them on to me. No one in my family ever had cold sores that I'm aware of, although there is a lot of autoimmunity on both sides beyond my immediate family (lupus, Reynaud's, gout, thyroid issues, depression and bipolar disorder). Now I've got PBC. Is there a connection? Who knows, but it is one of the things that is known to irritate your immune system, as is mold, food allergies, chemical exposures. I'd rather be interested from afar, but I consider this stuff pretty interesting. I think in my next life I'll go into medical research. I definitely feel I was blessed with this disease to light a fire on my interest in something completely different from my law career.
hi sachin, i too find all the med stuff fascinating... loved biology at school...
think ive been told that autoimmune conditions do run families but not necessarily the same disease... so grandparent could have diabetes.. next generation pbc... next ms... so that's the connection.. of course some do have a more frequent occurance in successive generation... fascinating isn't it... best wishes cazer
Cold sores are mostly viruses breaks out when our body’s immune system is weaken so yes, there might be possible of cold sore break out when our pbc flares up..
Hi BabyK
As far as I know cold sores are contracted by someone else having one, and not because we have PBC. Maybe someone has kissed you while they have one? You should wash your hands if you touch the cold sore as it can be spread by touch. Don't kiss anyone while you have one, especially babies as the virus can be dangerous to them. I think most of us who get them find them a nuisance and embarrassing, but special creams can help, although my husband only puts vinegar on his, which he swears by. I don't, as it stings like mad lol xx