I'm in severe pain right now. On right hand side. Second time today. Is this a pbc thing?
Really sore pain: I'm in severe pain right... - PBC Foundation
Really sore pain

I have the same in my right arm and shoulder. It's hard to explain. It feels like lactic acid build up after very heavy exercise but I've done none. It also seems to be worse on waking for about on hour or 2, then from about 6pm onwards.
What kind of pain (dull, sharp) and where exactly on the right side? Where liver is?
Hello, me too , I think mine is due to putting on weight over Christmas , it feels like bruised ribs
Those of us with PBC often report pain around the liver, usually described as a dull ache but you say "second time today" so wondering if this is some kind of stabbing pain. For temporary relief some report using a warm hot water directly over the painful area may soothe the discomfort. Try to avoid taking pain killers even paracetamol. Have you eaten anything that may have caused the pain? It is possible that it may be gall stones. I see you posted 14 hours ago so if you are still having pain you may be bet placed to see your doctor.
let us know how you get on.
I get it off and on. Mainly off but if particularly tired or feeling stressed then it tends to come on.
I get the pain and it last for a couple days then it goes away then in a couple weeks it comes back, I blame it on good I have some ideal of foods that trigger it! Lunch meat high sugar days and some tomato sauce!
I don't eat well so it may be my diet
Gallstones? Are you on Urso? I believe Urso is supposed to prevent gallstones. You may have pass a couple if that is the issue. BUT! You may consider contacting MD, or if you can’t tolerate the pain head over to ER.This info MD should know, very important.
That’s exactly where my liver hurts when I eat lots of different types of foods at one time, or sugary chocolates/cakes/pastries/ice cream. I was diagnosed with PBC 5 years ago (2013) and am 60.
Me too, I can hardly breathe , it feels like a bruised muscle , I am very swollen there too . Have you been to gp?
I've just realised I've already commented , I'm still in pain and it's getting worse , it's very frightening