Has anyone been told to stay away from garlic?
Pbc and garlic: Has anyone been told to stay... - PBC Foundation
Pbc and garlic

Hi Pamela4475, I'm interested in seeing some replies on this as well as I consume a ton of garlic. I'd hate to have to give it up
I read an article about a study that was done in Israel on rats(sorry😅), but they said raw garlic proved benefits to the heart & liver😊
We use quite a lot in cooking, not that keen on raw garlic. I have never been told that garlic is bad in fact I understand that it may have beneficial properties.
Hi Pamela i have never been told to stay away from garlic , my gastroenterologist just told be to stay away from pork as the liver struggles to digest it also to avoid saccharin . I am a strong believer that having this autoimmune disease that the large amount of garlic protects me from lots of colds and flu and sickness bugs that we are more likely to catch because of our low immune system . Best wishes to you shaza
Interesting about pork. I’ve not been advised to not eat it. Thanks for the info. I’ll make a point to ask my dr. I was advised against much red meat, unless very lean. I do eat my share of pork. 🤗
I love garlic
Me too Pamela i eat a lot of it 😊😋. Going to ask my liver doc to send me to a dietician that is qualified on what foods pbcers should eat and what foods to avoid as i need to loose a lot of weight. I know that beetroot and walnuts and oily fish are good foods for the liver . If i actually go to see someone i will probably make more of an effort in sticking with the diet she sets up for me lol! I will check with her about the garlic , i would be gutted if it's on the avoid list .
Garlic has always made me sick I can't even smell it without getting sick