In 2009 I returned from Iraq I was crazy itchy. Spent months going back and forth to the doctor, being told to take benadryl etc. etc. then I went to my GI doctor for my 6 month follow up (had elevated alk phos since 2002) and he noticed me scratching. He asked me if I had rashes and I said no, other than the scratch marks I was leaving behind in my sleep. He said it could be my liver and ran some blood tests. The blood test came back with elevated M2 anti-mitochondrial antibodies and cholesterol of 360. He told me he had tested me for the antibodies back in 2002 but it was negative then, he scheduled me for an ultrasound followed by a biopsy. The biopsy came up fine (non-alcoholic fatty liver).
The itching was persistent and the only relief I found was through cold showers. At one point I was taking 3 cold showers a day. It eventually subsided and my lab results got better (remission?) Any way in 2015 I had a very scary run in with severe pancreatitis, spent months in the hospital, had a fungal blood infection, ascites, just real bad. They did another liver biopsy at the time and again, fatty liver.... It took me 18 months and pancreatic enzymes to get better.
Now I have been doing well for over a year, and I am having some stress due to family issues, and the itching has begun again. I wasn't sure at first, a rash on the back of my shoulder that wouldn't get better, dermatologist prescribed ammonium lactate 12% that cleared it right up but in the 6 weeks since I have found scratch marks that must be happening when I sleep in various parts of my body. I use the ammonium lactate which helps the spots that are itching but a couple days later I find new scratches somewhere else. Thoughts?