An update, I seem to have been writing no positive posts of late.
My latest 6 weeks check up at Addenbrookes, again I did not see George Mell, he is only seeing new patients and each time I attend I seem to be more worried and find that I am not getting answers or politician type answers.
I even asked for some reassurance with regards to AMA negative and the Anti-GP 210 and M2 positive and left feeling they know as little as myself.
My bloods are still all high and very high. Urso is not bringing them down, 4 weeks before this appointment I had a letter saying second-line treatment to be discussed.
Sorry tangent here, I saw my old hepatologist the week before, she wanted a catch-up, she has had to come out of semi-retirement as 'it has been chaos with the locums' and she asked if I would stay on at Peterborough just so she can see what is happening and if I need any help. Aso mentioned she is 'very good friends with Gideon Hirschfield, not sure of the relevance.
She said that she had been communicating with Addenbrookes and I was to be given Fenofibrate as Ocaliva can increase the itch. I was relieved to hear.
I was to have a scan on the day as I have not had an actual liver scan just a scan of my womb and at the time my liver seemed OK with a perfunctory sweep of it and kidneys.
I arrived and the scan was in the notes but had not been booked, not too worried as these things happen.
Then I was asked how I was getting on with the Gabapentin, this took some time as I had some very dodgy days with it (terrible crying, anger, this is not me at all, staggering about almost as if I was drunk and really drowsy since I started but bar the drowsiness all other symptoms had settled) and wanted to ask if it was OK not to increase as in the daytime I cannot sleep or stagger hehe as Granny to tend to.
He said just come off it if you want to!
I was shocked to be honest I mean 10 days is not really a long time to try and as it knocks me out I am only itching in the day, not sure if it's stopping the itch though.
I then proceeded to talk him and myself into carrying on for at least a month. Again I was told if you want to, that's fine.
I asked my set of questions I had written down.
Reynauds is becoming worse, he said it was a separate issue and I would need to see my GP to be referred, am I wrong even if treated by a different clinic its still linked to PBC as he said it was not.
I mentioned the xanthelasma and he said that they will run a cholesterol test. I am 8 and a half stone, skin and bones and eat a low cholesterol diet. I cannot really lower it can I?
I asked my other pain relief type questions (no more than 4 500mg paracetamol can be used and only if really suffering) and can I take my Urso in one sitting as I feel that may help it lower the enzymes and my brain fog sometimes has made me drop a dose only 3 times though, he said yes.
Then because he had not raised it I asked about the Urso and being a non-responder as Mary old hep had said and I had had the letter and what would I be taking.
He said we have to have a meeting as Fenofibrate is not licensed/authorised in PBC and the meeting would hopefully take place later that afternoon. Well this bothered me as I traveled the distance, had my bloods done early the week before to save any other letters with results that raised questions, no scan so it was really a waste of his and my time and a days holiday for my husband to take me.
Then I asked the one question that has been burning and having discussed it with the very rare PBCers (5 that I can find) that have AMA neg with A GP 210 that none of us seem to know of anybody with this having been transplanted. I am progressing fast it seems and I said this is worrying me, if I would not be transplanted I would like to know. He discussed UKELD and I said my figures are one point short of it, he then mentioned that transplant is the last resort, treatments tried first my pruritus is a factor as well. But the Urso is not working and fenofibrate has only some success (could be me in that some success of course)
I asked again slightly different wording but still are AMA negative with aggressive factors transplanted.
His answer was that its a relatively new finding, I agreed its 4 years that I can see, maybe even noted in 2009 and that they know less about it.
I feel so so lost in this journey, I feel I cannot glean any comfort from positive stories of PBC and also is it actually being researched and or patients do get the transplant if at that point. I want somebody to say ' No we don't and I can stop fretting myself, or yes we do, stop fretting.
On a better note, I have enrolled into the Cohort study in a few weeks, hoping that it helps everybody and I am having some success in using mind over matter with the itch.