Experiences with
Ocaliva156 public posts
more on Ocaliva as of 11/24
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Important Update regarding Ocaliva
Thanks for someone bringing this to my attention in her recent post.
Please watch...
Yesterday Robert and Mo did an hour long webinar on the impact and facts surrounding Ocaliva not being available.
PBC Foundation Update regarding Ocaliva
Obeticholic Acid in Europe
We are issuing this guidance in response to the announcement made by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on 28th June 2024 about the future of obeticholic acid (OCA or Ocaliva) in Europe.
Couldn't agree more..
I can't even begin to imagine how this decision to no longer offer Ocaliva to European patients will impact their lives. Many patients take this because of not being able to tolerate Urso or being a partial responder to it.
please read and take action
In a post from the other day, I shared with you a statement from the PBC Foundation about this crisis with the availability of Ocaliva. Robert has asked everyone to write to particular people to express your concern and dissatisfaction with this decision.
Wednesday's Word
Bezafibrates (fenofibrates in the US) have been used as well along with Ocaliva but neither of these drug groups are licensed yet. Right now they are being used in clinical trials.
Wednesday's Word
Often times, Ocaliva (another second line treatment) has greatly increased itching. PPAR drugs are sometimes used as an anti itch medication (Bezafibrate). There is increasing evidence though, that Bezafibrate can impair kidney function - it needs to be monitored closely.
What if?
No time is wasted taking nothing besides their Urso or Ocaliva. Every patient deserves equal chance of benefiting from a new drug potentially.
Any thoughts on this? The lobbying of the pharmacuetical companies is crucial for this to happen. The PBC Foundation is committed to make this happen!
Seladelpar update
The IL-31, I mentioned earlier that causes the itch was increased with patients taking Ocaliva.
96% of those in the trial agreed to continue to the long term research.
[u][i]The very best news in their presentation about Seladelpar was that they are hoping to have it on the market 8/14/2024!!!!