Hi haven't posted for ages because I've felt so good but since Christmas I've had terrible pain in my feet.Doc said it was a form of gout but this week I've had swollen ankles and feet and I'm a bit worried that things are moving on a pace now-Has anyone experienced anything like this ?
Swollen ankles and feet: Hi haven't posted... - PBC Foundation
Swollen ankles and feet

I have swollen and painful feet, mine is more of a throbbing pain at night and then they feel stiff in the morning, I'm taking vitamin D tablets which helped for a while with the stiffness but this hot weather doesn't help with the swelling. I'm only in very early stage of PBC and my blood levels are normal at the moment with the urso.
I have started to ache almost all over worst place are my hips I do some stretch exercises and it wears off until I sit for to long not sure if it is part of PBC or a side effect of tablets. I am not due to see my consultant till August but will see my GP next week. I also get swollen ankles bit I put it down to the warm weather
Please keep us updated. I am experiencing the same body muscles and joint pain. I dont know if it arthritis or a side effect from urso. Do this medicine make anyone teeth feel weird. Almost like they ache or sensitive? If anyone get info on these symptoms please let us know what your doctors are saying. Currently my doctor is not treating my symptoms or side effects. He's pushing the Urso and thats it
Thanks Connie
Yep all of you sound like me-aching hips knees feet I could cut off and my teeth are taking a right battering-I've always been so careful with my teeth too😞
Hi really interested to see your post, I have been suffering toothache almost daily that lasts for a few minutes I have a dentist appointment coming up but last time I spoke about this he couldn't see any problems, also my aches seem to be worse in the morning sometimes at night they wake me up, just feel really stiff but after a few stretch exercises I am fine. Hope it's not progression of PBC will have a word in August when I see my consultant I have changed from seeing a Gastroenerologist to a Hepatologist as I wanting to know for sure if I have the AIH overlap. Wonder sometimes if I actually have PBC as there are so many ailments that seem to have the same symptoms.
I've actually asked if I have Pbc-at the time of diagnosis I had no symptoms just a get of 120 and everyone telling me to stop drinking! had to take my daughter to assure them I was teetotal.Thats when they did scans and found these damned nodules.After deciding it wasn't cancer they thought it was pbc.The paltry amount im on of urso brought my Got down to normal so was told I don't need more!My only symptom is these damn pains in my feet legs and hips ( and now dodgy teeth)😱
You need checking that all vitamins and minerals are at good levels, especially if your teeth are being affected. If the liver is not up to par, then PBC can cause a lack of absorption of Vit D, and this then leads to a loss of calcium. But other vits and mins can be affected too. This needs to be addressed. On diagnosis with PBC, you should also have been checked for all autoimmune conditions (people with one often have another) and for all other liver issues.
I would ask to discuss what else was checked when your PBC was diagnosed, and then demand any checks that have not been done. I have had my disagreements with my GPs, but I know they tested me for everything when it was thought I might have PBC (so far I only have AMAs, with no tests, signs or symptoms to suggest PBC, as yet - although I may get it).
Your Gp should respond to your symptoms. If in doubt, talk to the advisors at the 'Pbc Foundation' - link at the top of this page.
Hope this helps, take care.
Thanks Gritty reads-my bit d is low and I take synthetic bits now.To be fair my go has been great and tested for everything whereas my 'specialist' is shocking.I was diagnosed with nodules on my liver ( pbc) in Jan 2013 and told they would keep a close eye on things .Had to demand an ultra sound at Christmas then all hell let loose cos they had grown.They won't put me on full dose urso-only on 450 mg when I should be on1000 My as my bloods are now normal.Shocking
Yes...I get this ever so often. I've read on here that others get this a lot too...it's inflammation and seems to be a part of the PBC
Yes...my legs and hips hurt so bad and the bottom of my feet ache and burn.
Hi cazz22
I was recently diagnosed with gout too. So painful and now I've had patella tendonitis every couple of months.
I too have Pbc.