Hi everybody! My name is Kati, I'm from Romania and I'm new registered into PBC Foundation. I have this diagnosis from November, 2015 and I'm very scared about the evolution of my disease... Last April, I've done an endoscopy and everything was normal...10 months later I have esophageal varices, first degree....
I'm new here!: Hi everybody! My name is Kati... - PBC Foundation
I'm new here!

I'm new too and I hope you get an answer! I think my problems run too deep! I wish you well!!! GODSPEED
Are you taking Urso for the PBC, what have your lfts been like, and what were the tests that confirmed PBC? Also, have they checked all other causes for the varices? They may not be directly because of the PBC, although varices are one of the symptoms.
Also, did they say how advanced your PBC was when you were diagnosed, had you had symptoms for a while, and did they do a liver biopsy when you were diagnosed?? As you've registered with the PBC Foundation, I would talk to one of their trained advisors - you can email them, - plus, having the answers to these questions may help them to advise you more fully.
I don't know much about varices, so hopefully someone with more experience will see your post and give more advice
Hi Katim, I have Grade 2 varicies so know a little bit about them - I am going to place a link here for information about varicies. I tend to always find, and post the links, as it alleviates any misunderstanding, or misinterpretation, of information.
Varicies usually occur in the later stages of PBC, but I have seen an article that suggests that they can occur in the earlier stages. I'll try and find it again.
Link one, varicies in the later stages: emedicinehealth.com/primary...
Link two, varicies in the earlier stages:
Hope these help.

Thank you for these links. They have proved really useful to me.

Thanks Di