Hi just wondering do you get a rash with the PBC itch ,I've had a rash for weeks and nothing takes it away ,so itchy
Itchy: Hi just wondering do you get a rash... - PBC Foundation

Hello Marysla.
No I've never had any visible rashes or imperfections with the itch of PBC. Can't actually think if I've ever experienced any skin rashes in my life. In PBC the itch is supposed to come from within so not technically a skin disorder. You might be best seeking the opinion of a doctor.

Thank you appreciate the support .
I will go see my gp again,feel like I'm always there lately lol
Hi Marysla, I was covered from head to foot in spots but more like a chickenpox type rash, unfortunately I tried every treatment going but with little success, think because as peridot says it comes from within so very hard to treat , menthol creams give some temporary relief , hope you find something to help soon, xx
I've never had a rash with my itching.
Not normally that i know of..mine is an awful itch but there is nothimg to see.sounds like there is something else happening so a trip back to the docs .good luck.cazer
Had a rash once & my dr felt it was shingles.
Apparently it is from the pbc my specialist confirmed it 😫