Do you get a fine rash with the itch? Never had a rash before
Rash: Do you get a fine rash with the itch... - PBC Foundation

Only itch I had was the short time on Urso then I had hives(whelps).
No is the simple answer unless I've scratch too much them it looks like a rash. X
Pamela4475 Yes I do and I scratch myself until it bleeds.
Witch Hazel, almond oil massage and bees wax topping helps the rash. If I don't keep at it I get itchy rashes on my wrists, calves and ankles that I've scratched. The sores get infected. The infected scratches take weeks to heal. I just keep splashing witch hazel on and that really helps.
Thank you 😊 .... can you get the rash even with normal labs?
It might not be pbc related except for the fact that your body is more prone to autoimmune responses. I had a rash on my arm 2 years ago that 👀 like a burn from the kitchen. Was really weird. My hepatologist didn't think it was PBC related. I went to the dermatologist & she prescribed cortisone cream. It took 3 months to clear up. She wanted a biopsy if it didn't go away in 3 months. I never knew what caused it.

Thanks for the reply... I also see an immunologist due to pbc and he said if you have one autoimmune you usually have more.... thyroid issues being the most common but lupus can cause weird skin rashes and not cause you any bad issues.... will let u know if he thinks it a lupus thing
I have a thyroid goiter so I see an endocrinologist to monitor that.

Mine is just low thyroid
My skin has always been a bit sensitive as well.

He asked me some questions about lupus symptoms like do I get sores in my mouth.... ever had weird itchy or not itchy rashes and pleurisy.... I said yes to all and he said sounds like lupus 😞
I'm sorry. Hope it is just random other stuff. You have enough on your plate as it is.

We both do... thank you nycgirl for all your help 😘😊