Bit of a delicate question but has anyone experienced excessive flatulence since starting on Urso and if so have you found anything to help combat it that you can take with the Urso?
Bit of a delicate question but has anyone experienced excessive flatulence since starting on Urso and if so have you found anything to help combat it that you can take with the Urso?
I can only answer yes sometimes I think wow was that me lol just comes from nowhere luckily I've always been by myself. I don't take anything for it.
I haven't found anyway to stop it unfortunately! If you do, please share, my family call me trumpet!! 😄
when on lactulose this exasperates the problem !! any solutions desperatley required, please inform!
I have taken anti wind tablets when I am going somewhere quiet! They work fine.
I ve just had an increase in Urso due to weight gain now I seem to have the same problem, any answers or suggestions would be grateful.
I had severe flatulence problems, my consultant reduced my urso down from 900mg to 600mg a day, this caused my LFT bloods to increase, also the flatulence started to be as severe as it was before the urso was reduced. I am now taking 1,000mg a day to try and get my LFT bloods down but I am prescribed the ursofalk brand now as I was told I should be able to tolerate this brand better, I still have flatulence but not as bad as it was, we shall see if it starts to increase again.