i will be 63 years on saturday, 23/5/15. suffering from sciatica and about to reach a settlement (not a lot) because it is a private sector company. cannot work as mail merging machine operator because of above problem. will i get medical retirement? Or what can i claim?
medical retirement: i will be 63 years on... - PBC Foundation
medical retirement

Hi there I assumed ill health retirement was agreed with your employer. I got it from nhs as I was unable to continue work because of my pbc. They enhanced my pension to pension age but had to satisfy themselves that I couldn't work for them again. This has not been an issue as I'm too unwell to work.
Hope this helps 😊
Just wondering are you in england?wondererd if you are in America we have different rules?

I leave in England; Rainham Essex
Oh in which case...I was put into permanent incapacity benefit age 36 as I was suddenly very poorly and couldn't work again. I know all the rules/benefits have changed in the last few years but it used to be the case that if you didn't apply for dla before you retired you couldn't afterwards. My father in law was badly advised so was not ever able to get disability living allowance even though physically he would have been entitled to it.i would b very careful how you go about the settlement as there might be sick pay etc you can apply for before you take early retirement but not afterwards.try checking on line or with citizens advice.....but wouldn't sign anything at work yet until you ve checked. Good luck cazer.
Hiya jayclarkson.
Check out this website, it might just help. I am sorry but I cannot as I'm not claiming any allowances/benefits or medically retired but out of interest I do read posts as in future, one never knows with this PBC.
Hi, I am 66 and was offerd a statuary 12 weeks mony plus payment for any remaining holIidays. I checked this out and it was right. Have a happy birthday and enjoy your day..