I was diagnosed Jan 2017. I had to go to the Mayor Clinic to get any real info as my GI hasn't been very helpful. Does anyone know of a good Doctor for PBC in Savannah Ga?
Anyone here from Savannah Ga?: I was... - PBC Foundation
Anyone here from Savannah Ga?

Call a major university hospital and ask for a gi hepetologist who specializes in PBC only.
I live in Ga , you can try Atlanta Gastrologist Associates in Atlanta , they have a Liver Center..it maybe worth a drive..Dr.Norman Gitlin....
Thanks, I can always go to Jacksonville to Mayo Clinic. It would just be nice to have someone local but I know that might not be possible.
A lot of doctors don't know a lot about PBC. I am my doctors first patient with it. She is the one who diagnosed it and got me to the right doc for it.. She is my primary and is very good. Now she has another patient with it. I am further along so she is learning from me to help this other girl. Be patient and keep insisting on seeing doc's that know about it
I'm in Florida and take the two and a half hour drive to the Mayo Clinic.
I'm actually from London, Arkansas but am currently working in Waynesboro, GA for a couple of months; not to far from Savannah. I'll be in Savannah the 8th and 9th of Sep.