Back from the tgastro consult today and he is fairly certain I have gall stones. Waiting on scan to confirm. He said he would get it done asap. Anyway, are these common with PBC and what happens if I do have them? Thanks all, and a happy long weekend
Gall stone?: Back from the tgastro consult... - PBC Foundation
Gall stone?

I had lots of gallstones and the consultant wanted to take my gall bladder out but I declined! A few years later when having a routine scan for my PBC they told me the gall stones had all gone!!
It sounds like your gallstones were cholesterol of which urso was originally prescribed for, dissolving them.
Glad you took the decision yourself to decline having your gallbladder out.
Thanks Shirleygreen, makes me a feel a little better. Did you have a lot of sharp pain with yours?Dr thinks thats the cause of the pain?
Hi yes I gallstones are common with PBC. I had mine removed last Month the same time as they did a liver biopsy, I never really had any pain from the stones , I had but once removed the consultant said it was highly inflamed with one very large stone a many small yellow ones so good job it is gone. So far I do also feel better then I have for some time. In and out of hospital in two days not something to worry about
I need to have my gallbladder removed because of polyps, I have asked this question before, anyone else had gallbladder surgery for polyps?