I've had major stomach issues forever. I'll spare you the detail, but it's changed and gotten significantly worse since I started b12 injections 2 years ago. I have found a few things that help but nothing cured.
The issues have turned into just straight up pain. Like stabbing, throbbing, wrapping around to my back and shooting nerve pain in my abdomen. All on upper left side with nerve pain shooting down abdomen. Plus the worst acid reflux. The pain comes in flares which can last a week to 2 months. I'm coming off the worst and longest one ever.
So I had the endoscopy and biopsies and everything came back normal. Showed mild irritation where stomach and small intestine meet. That's it! Told me to take prescription ppi (havent taken yet)
I was dx with PA 2 years ago via intrinsic factor antibody, long term megloblastic anemia, neuro symptoms and low normal b12 level. I have never had antibody test for paretal cells. I feel so much better in most ways after 2 yrs injecting but this stomach thing is really devastating my life, affecting every aspect.
Anyway, why did my biopsy come back normal?? Doesn't PA mean autoimmune gastritis?
I was at the ER a few weeks ago for severe stomach pain and they saw colitis and gastritis on the CT scan, but nothing showed on endoscopy?