People that know me on the forum will know it's been a long wait to be screened by a gastologist. After a Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy plus an MRI Crohns disease is suspected. A large part of my colon was seen to be inflamed especially around my illium which now explains my B12 deficiency !
I had never heard of Creeping Fat 'sounds like something out of a horror movie' but apparently we all have this fat which can attach its self to the colon if inflamed. It's the layer of fat between muscles and our organs..........
I thought other's might find this of interest. Consultant is going to trial me on a 6 wks course of steriods for Crohns. If no improvement then he is going to take me in overnight and carry out a Capsule Swallow.
As if I havn't enough fat without having Creeping Fat as well. ๐ค
Maybe I am turning into a Telly Tubby ! Some would say I have always been a bit Dipsy.