Hi, said I would update after a couple of weeks SI and I just wanted feedback on whether it's "normal"; I know everyone is different but shared experiences don't half help!
I initially planned to SI weekly, however I went with my body and go either every other day or every third day. My nurse friend showed me the method for injecting and gave me the smallest possible needle (blue ones) but my first issue is the pain of the injection when in my thighs. I don't know if it's normal but I find that when I push the liquid in, it's incredibly painful. I didn't experience any pain when I had my loading doses but this is really quite acute. Any clues?
Secondly, my skin! My poor poor face and neck are full of boils very very sore boils. I have steroid treatment from GP but it doesn't seem to Be making a bit of difference.
Thirdly, I am about to start a course of infliximab infusion for treatment for another health problem. It's a very strong and nasty drug which suppresses the immune system and I'm just concerned about this alongside the PA.
has anyone else any experiences with these things? I don't know if it's a combination of stress and Crohns, but I don't feel amazingly better from the injections. I am still sleeping a lot and despite a strict diet I am not losing any weight.