I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia in 2018 but was not aware that I needed injections for it, so took oral supplements instead. I switched GP's a few years ago and asked for injections when I became aware that they were necessary.
The GP I spoke to did not accept that I have PA, because my labs were not current and there was no other evidence that I had either anaemia, or a B12 deficiency.
I was also told for them to consider a diagnosis of Pernicious Anaemia (apparently backed by a haematology resident consulted by this GP after our phone call) that I would need to have my B12, CBC and Intrinsic Factor Antibodies retested, because they could not rely on results from another GP surgery from 2018.
I had read the updated NICE guidance by that point, so understood that I should not be retested, and have been self treating. The only thing I did was send a copy of the original lab results to the surgery with a letter from PAS requesting that the diagnosis be added to my records.
I recently dowloaded the NHS app and can see that PA is still not listed in my health conditions, and that the GP I spoke with wrote that I although I understood their recommendation, I was unwilling to take their advice. There also appears to be some upset that I caused the phone consultation to go on for too long. They also stated that I was negative for Parietal Cell Antibodies, which is incorrect; PCA was positive. Additionally, they looked back through my records and found notes from an unrelated endoscopy, which stated that there were no unusual findings.
I can live with self treating, but am not sure how I should be monitored going forward. I would also be grateful for any other advice on potential issues that might arise from not having this diagnosis in my record.