I’ve previously written regarding being diagnosed with PA eight years ago, and for the next six years having injections every 12 weeks. Then following a blood test my GP stated that my B12 level was high and he wanted to stop the B12 injections. Since then I’ve only had injections on: 6 June 2016, 21 December 2017 and 6 April 2018.
On 5 April 2018, following on from an earlier consultation with my GP, it was agreed that B12 injections every three months were to be reinstated. My GP told me he had discussed the matter (following concerns raised by me) with his colleagues and consulted a haematologist, and they had all agreed it was far too risky for me not to have regular injections. It was therefore agreed that three monthly injections were to be reinstated going forward and I had an injection the following day. My request for a new set of loading doses however, was denied.
Today it is 12 weeks later and I attended the surgery for my next injection. Another GP at the surgery has refused to give the injection saying that according to my last blood test (March 2018) my B12 level is high and I must have another blood test before they will consider any future injections.
I am frustrated and extremely angry and upset by this ridiculous process. I find the level of ignorance about the condition of PA amongst GPs quite staggering, and this is compounded by the disdain meted out by them with regard to regular and consistent treatment. I’m unsure how to take this forward and wonder if the PAS can advise, or might be willing to write to my GP surgery? I have in the past provided them with information about the PAS website. I would really appreciate some advice.
Many thanks.