A few weeks ago I was having problems with my GP who wanted to stop my B12 for 6 months. I am very happy it is now resolved. First when I got tested 2 months ago my levels were 2000, my doc got me retested again last week, which came back, my levels were 1200; it had dropped by 800 in two months. A doctor still said that my levels were too high. I told him that I was not happy with their decision not letting me have my injections for 6 months. I also got in touch with the Pernicious anaemia Society, who told me that my doctors should never ever stop my injection regardless to what levels they are at, and that pernicious anaemia injections are for life and I should not keep getting my levels tested . They advised me to speak to my doctor again and let them know that I have been in touch with PAS and if they did not reinstate my B12injections they would be in touch with the GMC, to which my doctors was not happy about. I gave my GP the name and telephone number of the person I spoke to. He then put me on hold, when he came back on the phone the Doc said that they would reinstate my B12 injections every 10 weeks as I had before, only because they had dropped down so much.
I had my injection today and hopefully will feel a lot better soon. Thank you everyone who has supported me giving me advise. I hope other people having trouble with their GP gets good results too, you have to stick up for your rights and never give up. Best wishes everyone.