Diagnosed with pernicious anemia in June. Just found out that my ferritin dropped to 10 after doing B12 shots for 7 months. Have been feeling very tired, dizzy, and having vision issues (floaters, blurry vision, etc.). Should I supplement iron in addition to b12 shots or pause b12 shots and supplement iron? Has anyone else had this issue? My folate is 18 and my B12 was last measured to be 1500. Thank you very much.
Ferritin dropped after b12 shots - Pernicious Anaemi...
Ferritin dropped after b12 shots

Hi disneygal4ever,
I am quite similar after being dosed up with b12 after diagnosed with IAG/PA. My Ferritin was at 182 & folate was 19.2 & B12 serum and active B12 were undetectable on September 6 before being diagnosed.
By 18 Nov after my initial dossing my Ferritin was at 40 and B12 serum 280 Active B12 62. This was a day before my last monthly shot, so B12 should have shot up, but I am concerned that I may not be getting enough B12 for 3 months. My folate has not been checked since before getting dosed with B12, I guess because it was fine in the beginning.
The last consultation with my doctor, she prescribed me to take "Ferro-grad F", Contains: Ferrous Sulfate 250mg, Folic Acid 300mcg. I took this and started to get some weird pains in my fingers, wrists, feet and lower legs which may not be related, but I decided to take "Ferro Plus C", Contains: Ferrous Sulfate 325mg, Ascorbic Acid 500mg. I don't know if I should be taking folate, but the pain in my fingers feet etc seems to have subsided. This may also be related to taking Hemp seed oil 1100mg (from chemist, no TCH).
You should defiantly be taking some iron as 10 is very low. The measurements that I have been given for ferritin is that it should be between 30 - 400. Considering mine dropped 140 within 2 months my doctor prescribed me with the supplements with the advice they may not work having PA. I have the Autoimmune gastritis diagnosis which has the added complication of low gastric acid which is required to absorb iron which in itself is quite confusing regarding my recent ferritin levels. Either the initial levels were incorrect or perhaps now I have B12 in my system it is draining them to repair the damage that has been done over a long period of time without sufficient B12.
What I have been doing is taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the iron tablet and some food to try and absorb the nutrients. I have taken lots of iron before and it is best tolerated when consumed with food.
As far as vision, I haven't had any issues, but when I suspect PA started to really trouble me I went and got some reading glasses. I got my optic nerve looked at too, it was fine and was the same as 10 years prior when previously tested. Fast forward to October this year, one month after diagnosis, I got my eyes tested again, I am not sure if my prescription had changed, but my optic nerve didn't look too good, I am to go back and get it tested again in 1 year.
Personably, I would not stop supplementing with B12, but would defiantly look at supplementing with iron. You haven't mentioned vitamin D, have you been tested for that, as it is another vitamin that usually is deficient with PA. I was quite low and got dossed up with that as well. Be careful with taking vitamin D though, don't do it unless you have been shown to be deficient, as it does have some toxicity issues. I will only take them in winter and use the sun to dose me at other times.
Good luck!
Folic acid can mask B12 deficiency if B12 not addressed sufficiently and folic acid is taken
Watch below.
Cytoplan & Dr David Morris: Understanding the complexities and central role of B12 in health and life
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My ferritin also dropped after b12 loading doses .I was prescribed ferrous fumarate 320 too high for me. Side effects Stopped after a day.
Ferrous fumarate 210 tolerated.
Took it for the elemental iron
Bloods were done 3 months later .
Took a long time to raise ferritin but even getting it to 40 stopped the related symptons .
Iron intake supplements should be monitored closely .
My ferritin also dropped. I think this is because once B12 is supplemented your body starts to use iron to convert that B12. I’m not medically trained, just figuring it out for myself. I also have AIG/PA and found it incredible hard to absorb iron supplements. For the last 2 years I ha e ordered 3 Arrows Heme iron from the US. I absorb this well and it has helped raise my ferritin levels. I live in Europe so rather expensive for me, but it works like a charm! I also tried Optifera Heme iron from Amazon. Lower dose of heme iron but worked well too ~ I highly recommend heme iron but must add that it is important to test your iron levels, I’m now on a maintenance dose but check my bloods every 3-4 months to ensure I’m not taking too much.
I have a similar story. B12 injections stimulate the body to produce more good blood and initially uses up ferritin to produce haemaglobin if you are iron deficient. That deficiency did not present as anaemia. I was within the (questionable) range. But I still has anaemia symptoms as well as B12D symptoms. They are very similar. I also never had peripheral neuropathy but I did have awful dizziness. Symptoms improved to a point with EOD self-injection then plateaued. I then pursued the iron/ferritin deficiency route, had a ferritin infusion supervised by a haematologist and began taking haem iron. After six months the result is extraordinary compared to how I was three years ago. Not only are there thousands of people struggling with undiagnosed B12D but also ferritin/iron deficiency and a miserable life.
Yes, I think it took around 3 years for me to be diagnosed with B12 PA, It is mind boggling how this is missed 2 1/2 years ago my doctor (with training wheels) panicked at my ferritin levels being 272, but my MCV being 112 was no problem to her (should be < 100). The ferritin levels back then were suggested to be between 30-165, now it is 30-400. No wonder we all struggle to figure this whole PA issue out! Orchard33, my ferritin levels dropped from 182-40 within 2 months after being diagnosed with PA. I wish they were still at the 272 levels 2 1/2 years ago, I think I would feel so much healthier!
What a shocker on the MCV! Doctors really should know better. Very worrying. The concensus about ferritin levels for PA people is that they are best at about 100. Since taking haem iron and after the ferritin infusion nearly a year ago had settled the level now at the last six monthly count was about 120 or so. With a serious B12 deficiency the whole system goes awry. Rebalancing takes time, research, money and sheer dogged determination, as we all know.
absolutely common! I tried to raise my ferritin for a year with various supplements, but ended up needing IV iron infusions. I so wish I did that sooner, because the lack of iron hurt my b12 healing. Now that my ferritin is where it needs to be, I am using my b12 more effectively…and going through reversing out…again (though not nearly as bad as the first time)