Vitamin d: Currently trying to sort out... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Vitamin d

Pepperpots302 profile image
24 Replies

Currently trying to sort out my health after realising my stomach is not absorbing b12 (am SI).

I’ve been on a low dose of d3 (500 ug) for years after being told by doctors it was low. The last d3 test I had my results came back at 68. However, I had taken the supplement that day.

Are the test results affected by taking the supplement? This seems to be really high!

I have all the symptoms of low vit d, plus I am mostly housebound so don’t get outside that much.

Took a higher dose yesterday (1000ug) as my usual brand wasn’t available and I feel highly caffeinated! My body is really reactive to meds (ME, pituitary issues, IBS don’t help), but am wondering if this could help the horrible bone pain and fatigue.

Already seeing improvements from SI b12 even though it’s early days. 😊

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Pepperpots302 profile image
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24 Replies
OldmanD profile image

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to OldmanD

Thanks for this video, interesting.

Wheat profile image

hello, yes supplements can affect test results. I was taking 1000ug daily D3 and my test result was 60, now taking 2000ug daily. Some doctors say should test at minimum of 70 ; others say take10,000 units daily.

Looking at video posted by OldmanD my intake could and should be much higher, but increases relatively slowly.

But with M.E . some medicines can have weird, or unwanted effects, I hope increasing D3 works out for you. I can relate to a lot you say, so all the best in your treatment journey x

OldmanD profile image
OldmanD in reply to Wheat

I am sure ye's are all using D3 with K2mk7 which ye need for good absorption. . . . . . . . I had been taking 8000iu per day for some years long before it was popular and then cut back to one tab 4000iu per day but after watching this man I went back to morn and eve again. . . . . . Daughter first put me to it many years ago. . . . .My daughter done her dietetics with honours .Might seem extreme but older people absorb near to zero. . . . . If ye watch a few of his video's ye will learn that data collected in Israel which has no shortage of sun and people go out into the sun clearly shows that simple sunshine is more r less pointless especially given the harm sunshine does to us. . . . . . . . . There is also good theory that it supports teeth also. . . . . . I am 66 and have not a tooth removed in many years . . . . . I see no side effects and I do run out now and again so I treat it as long term prevention rather than something to run to when things go wrong. . . . . There is a vit D version that does work near immediate but it not available here for human use. . . . . . Animals can have it though. . . weird. . . . .

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to OldmanD

Thanks for reply and all information, very helpful.

Pepperpots302 profile image
Pepperpots302 in reply to Wheat

Thank you. Yes - is tricky with ME plus a very sensitive stomach.

Am going to try for 1000ug with K2 and take with fish oil and see what happens.

probably need to add magnesium at some point as well

tomdickharry profile image
tomdickharry in reply to Wheat

Please, everybody......

micrograms - µg - are not the same as units. 1000 IU is 25µg of D3.

Technoid profile image

I think there is some confusion with vitamin D dosage units here.

IU <->mcg converter here :

500mcg of Vitamin D would be 20,000IU. I hope you're not taking that much as that is multiples of the upper limit. On the other hand, 500IU of Vitamin D is 12.5mcg, only slightly more than the RDA in some countries of 400IU.

It's more likely that your low dose vitamin D is 500IU. Over the wintertime it would be wise to bump that closer to 1000IU to 2000IU which is a safe dosage and you can check whether its sufficient to reach a nice vitamin D level or if you need more.

There is no clear evidence of benefit to taking K2 with Vitamin D but there is also little evidence of harm at reasonable dose ranges.

Please watch/listen to someone other than John Campbell for your own sanity.

OldmanD profile image
OldmanD in reply to Technoid

Is John Campbell wrong. . . . . .

Technoid profile image
Technoid in reply to OldmanD

OldmanD Campbell is one of the most prolific spreaders of medical misinformation on the internet, particularly on the topic of vaccination. Viewing his content and sharing it to others supports his platform for spreading such nonsense.

Technoid profile image
Technoid in reply to Technoid

A longer discussion on Vitamin D from Sigma Nutrition:

OldmanD profile image
OldmanD in reply to Technoid

You obvious,y dont like john campbell and obviously dont like some of what he says about vaccines. . . . .Covid vaccines are a very divisive subject and campbell was not always anti vaccine. . . . . .Many are choosing to not have further covid vaccines. . . . . . I had several but I have chosen to not have any currently and the decision was made as a family before I ever seen John Campbell later video's. . . . . But I will ask again. . . . . Is what he says about Vit D wrong . . . .

Technoid profile image
Technoid in reply to OldmanD

Did I say that what he said about Vitamin D was wrong?

OldmanD profile image
OldmanD in reply to Technoid

That is the point. . . . . And I have asked twice if he said anything wrong and twice you have not given a straight answer yet ye seem t be overly certain about other things. . . . . . You arrive, attack the man uncalled for because ye dont like or believe he is wrong. . . . . . He is a heck of a sight better than many other video's out there with little more than religious motivated nonsense. . . . .. There is nothing wrong with the video I shared. . . . . You on the other hand seen the man not the information. . . . . .. I shared a video in the hope of helping. . . . . . The video as best I know is fine and by a bonafide doctor. . . . . Certainly a lot better than the Dr Berg's of this world who are not qualified for the advice they are giving.. . . . . Your objection is a personal view on the man. . . . . . We were not discussing covid vaccines. . . . It is for people to make their minds up about covid vaccines or whatever not your choice to make for them . . . . . . The very site here we are using surrounding B12 is contrary to accepted practice for near all but us users . . . . . . 99 point something % of medical professional do not condone what many of us do so subjective but I dont see people arriving in all hot and flustered telling us all that this is all wrong or making attacks on anyone. . . .. . . . .

Mixteca profile image
Mixteca in reply to OldmanD

I do like Dr Campbell and take his advice. Agree with his comments about vaccine too- there's a lot we were never told about them by our governments.

OldmanD profile image
OldmanD in reply to Technoid

Is what he says about Vit D wrong

BarryBuchy profile image
BarryBuchy in reply to Technoid

Please tell me what misinformation is Campbell spreading?

Technoid profile image
Technoid in reply to BarryBuchy

This is off-topic but the above video contains a good overview. If you would like more specifics, I suggest going through some of the videos on "Back To The Science":

Pepperpots302 profile image
Pepperpots302 in reply to Technoid

Yes, you are right about the dose. I’m switching to 1000 with K2 and will see how my body tolerates that. It’s an interesting video but I’m wary of megadoses of any vitamin.

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to Pepperpots302

Yes, as others with M.E.have said 'take it low and slow'.

PaintLadie profile image
PaintLadie in reply to Technoid

My doctor who is not Dr. Campbell told me to take K2 with D3 as he said my body was not utilizing the D3 I was taking. I have methylation issues and many other issues so I don't know if that was taken into consideration, but my doc also told me this. I;ve in the past always struggled to keep my D3 levels up.

Myanna23 profile image
Myanna23 in reply to Technoid

I am on prescription vitamin d 2500iu of which i take two daily, this is a high dose as my rheumatologist at that time explained with my digestive issues I wouldn't be absorbing all of that amount, any tests since are always the right level. I only wish he had explained or should I say I wish he had the knowledge to advice me to take these with vitamin k2 mk7, it would have saved me the pain of a kidney stone (calcium) and diagnosed with osteoporosis. So the vitamin d was putting the calcium in my soft tissues instead of my bones. My GP looked at me blankly when I told him this, but then he is also clueless regarding b12. So if it wasn't for people like John Campbell and indeed Dr Berg no one would have enlightened me about the NECESSITY of k2.

Technoid profile image
Technoid in reply to Myanna23

5000IU vitamin D is a high dosage (above the tolerable upper limit) and I would hope your GP is monitoring your vitamin D level for the necessity of maintaining that dosage. It is not quite into a dangerous range but it should certainly be monitored.

However, the available evidence does not indicate that vitamin D supplements alone increase the risk of kidney stone formation at all.


There are many factors which effect kidney stone formation which are explored in this interview with a nephrologist

Your GP has likely not been exposed to the kind of common alternative medicine myths prevalent on the internet, such as the "necessity" of taking vitamin K. Most medical professionals dont watch youtube videos from chiropractors and antivax proponents to obtain current medical or nutritional advice (thank god).

I would caution against getting any medical or nutritional information from John Campbell or Eric Berg as they are not trustworthy sources, even if they get something right now and then (even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day).

It is not necessary to take Vitamin K2 along with Vitamin D. Getting sufficient vitamin K in the diet is certainly advisable but there is no RDA for K2 because no requirement has been demonstrated, due to the capability of conversion from K1. There seems to be no demonstrated harms of taking reasonable doses of K2 but whether there is any advantage at all to taking it remains an open question despite what the likes of Campbell or Berg would have you believe.

BarryBuchy profile image

Here is an interesting study....

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