Hi I'm having my 6th jab today does anyone know if it upsets digestion and bowel movements and thanks for all your reply their really helping to get through this
Stomach and digestion problems - Pernicious Anaemi...
Stomach and digestion problems

I experienced both during my loading dose but as the days went on It eased off. I also felt very nauseous in the mornings !
Hopefully things will get better. 🤞
Did not have that effect on me . But we are all different . I haven’t , in 9 years of reading forum posts , heard of that effect of B12 injections. Having B12 injections helped the digestion problems that I had prior to treatment . ( bloating and stomach ache )
,Anyhow, I’m sure that you will have some more replies on the subject.
Best wishes .
I have found that any change in form, amount or frequency in injections of B12 to cause digestive problems for a while.
Injecting less than 4 times a day exasperated the disruption.
I have been injecting 4 +- times a day since September 2023 and no longer have any digestive issues.
I was diagnosed with gastritis. That diagnoses was given to me based on that I might have PA. It was an error. That one I caught early.
I went with my digestive system is controlled by my neurological system which is complex. So the digestive system is affected by injections B12. That is a hard concept to work with as I still had the concept of what I ingest is what affects my digestive system.
Utilizing the concept of my digestive system is controlled by my neurological system I do not inject on an empty stomach. As a practical matter I use a nutritional shake when my injection time does not coincide with my meals.
I have not taxed my body physically with purpose and on purpose and once I start that I would not be surprised if my digestive system was affected, caused by the healing from the physical exertion.
One relationship between B12 deficiency and GI tract difficulties is that both can be caused by autoimmune disorders. For example, atrophic gastritis, an autoimmune disorder, can damage parietal cells in the wall of the stomach, which can be the cause of B12 deficiency. Further, B12 deficiency makes it hard for the body to reproduce cells that function properly, because without B12, the new cells often don't have accurate DNA copies, and without DNA, the cells don't know what to do. Injections of B12 make it possible for the body to once again produce functional new cells. This seems to correspond with initial discomfort as nerves, organs, etc, start to revive after a long period of decline due to B12 deficiency. Some people experience such discomfort, and some do not. Some people experience certain discomforts and not others. Typically, the discomfort associated with once again having sufficient B12 begins to resolve sooner rather than later. As long as your doctor is unable to determine other causes of the discomfort, the discomfort is likely associated with different parts of the body beginning to once again become functional.
Not very specific, I know, but it's the best I, as just another patient, can do. I welcome any corrections, etc.
I have been experiencing abdominal upset (and reduced sensation in feet and other B12 deficiency symptoms) since about 2008. It was very slowly worsening. I started injecting B12 daily two years ago. I went slowly back and forth between very loose stools and constipation. At one point the gastroenterologist suggested getting vitamin D levels higher in range, and taking fiber supplements. I did both. The most immediate results came from the fiber. I follow package instructions, 6 grams of fiber blended in 8 ounces of water, twice per day. Missing a dose seems to correspond with increased probability of constipation, so I try not to miss doses. Abdominal pain has decreased to nearly none over the past year.
Fibre is magic, I think I get 70g or such. The gut beasts are very content.
That's interesting to hear. Though my diet needs a lot of work, I think I do comparatively well with fiber: steel-cut oats with several dried fruits, seeds, and nuts for breakfast; bread is homemade rye bread; 80 grams of frozen mixed veggies most days; nuked potatoes or brown rice for supper. Nowhere near 70g, even with supplements; maybe I should try another 6g dose of fiber per day. Thanks for your comment.