Hi, I've started to SI once a week about 3,5 months ago. I went downhill very fast (existing symptoms getting worse) after our move to Singapore. Somehow, my body can't deal with the climate and I get joint/muscles aches/inflammation all over my body and my knees get very tired very quick. But I think that thanks to the injections my muscles get more oxygen now.
One thing that hasn't got better at all are my GI-problems. I've really bad "post-infectious IBS" (this means that I feel as if I have a stomach flu all the time) since I picked up a parasite in Africa 3 years ago (but I think that it was the harsh antibiotic treatment with Tinidazole that was very bad for my GI-system). I was able to manage it more or less thanks to an antihistamine (I found this out by accident) and have been eating gluten free for 5 years now. But lately I get bad stomach upsets all the time (churning & painful stomach sometimes even to the touch + the whole array of IBS). I heard that H.Pylori is a common issue in people with Vit. B12 -deficiency in that it prevents the B12 being absorbed by the stomach. Have some of you been treated for it? I've had several endoscopies in the past (but not recently), and I don't really see the point in doing another one as they always come out clear. Also, one of the medications to treat it is Tinidazole or some other antibiotics and PPI's. My stomach can't tolerate antibiotics or PPI's.
Thank you as always for your reactions!