15 year old daughter has been having lots of time off school. not ideal in yr 10 and now 11.
I feel a bit guilty about it all, think I have dropped the ball on this one.
She had digestion problems when small, had an umbilical hernia repaired about 2 1/2- 3 years then several years of issues, vomiting, constipation mostly occasional poonami's . Put on few medications , movicol, lactulose Domperidone , for years, the latter obviously stopped due to safety concerns.She has had lots of symptoms that we assumed were anxiety strongly suspect she is autistic and or ADHD. So she is often sick, sometimes just nauseous sometimes actually vomits, then either constipated or diarrhoea , complains of being tired , but can't get to sleep, can't concentrate, confused describes it as her spaghetti brain, jokingly refers to it quoting Dr Who, " it's all wibbly wobbly, like spaghetti" but he was referring to time. Managed to get her a GP appointment, lots of discussion I said wanted full bloods and vitamins tested. She also has pots to provide faeces samples but she isn't keen. So Gp rang me just over 24 hours after bloods were taken, saying she was very concerned but rather than go to A &E she would refer to " Rapid Access clinic" at Alder Hey, saying we would be contacted within a week with an appointment.
So bloods serum B12 <150 ng/L 197.00 - 771.00 ng/L. report says both B12 and folate need repeating and ask for a new serum sample to be sent to immunology for Intrinsic factor antibodies, serum folate 2.9 ug/L 3.90 - 26.80 ug/L,
GP also said Lipids very high , so I asked for the numbers total is 4.5 <5.00 mmol/L but triglycerides are raised at 2 < 1.7 mmol/L . serum alkaline phosphatase 53 u/L 60.00 - 400.00 u/L HbA1c 41 IFCCmmol/mol <41.00IFCCmmol/mol . ESR says repeat 97 mm/h 2,00 - 19.00 mm/h.
I had hoped rapid access meant rapid, just got a text saying she has an appointment in January