I was noticeably improved feeling good, after 21 weeks of EOD SI. Then I had antibiotics for a water infection, Nitrofurantoin.By day 3 of antibiotics I began to feel off. Mouth coated with something, (thrush) eyes not good, headaches, nervous, limping a bit, hot spark-like tingling, tired on waking. Lots of the improved symptoms returned with vengeance. I posted here and found others had reacted similarly and worse to Nitrofurantoin.
Dr didn't acknowledge this could be due to Nitrofurantoin. Asked to do a B12 blood test. I tried explaining that it could result in a very high reading since I was SI EOD, that I was concerned my 8 weekly injection at the surgery might be stopped.
She promised this would not happen so I agreed to have the blood test.
Dr asked me to go back the following Monday, first appointment so she could discuss the tests with me.
That was Monday 31st July. During the appointment she did not look at me.
She was quite stern as she told me about the very dangerous level of B12. That this may mask other illnesses in me. I am aware that other things can happen beside B12d. I am as vigilant as the next person. Since diagnosis of B12d 5 years ago I have asked for bowel tests, clear. Had full examination where my cancer was years ago. Very clean. Had advice on antidepressants. Various visits to ask about different things.
But I was to stop SI or my surgery injection would be stopped. What did I want to do? No discussion.
I said I cannot cope on 8 weekly injection. I need to keep going as per guidelines. It was working out great for me with reduction of symptoms.
All of this took place without a kind look my way. This was very upsetting. I tried to ask about treatment to prevent ITUs. She flicked her hand to stop me. Said let's get this appointment over with.
I persisted to ask if she could at least test the urine sample I had brought to ensure the infection was gone. This she did without looking my way. Even when she told me it was fine.
I asked if someone had told her I was a nervous/difficult patient, or indeed warned her I went on about B12d. She denied this.
I'm pleased to say that I am improving from the antibiotic reaction. Still not 100% but I am getting there.
Previous appointments with this Dr gave me a great respect and belief in her. She was lovely and caring. My trust is badly dented.
What happened?
Something did.