has anyone tried grass fed beef liver supplements. I’m wondering if these freeze dried capsules would be beneficial because of the vitamins and minerals in them as I don't seem to be able to keep my levels of anything up without supplementing. As soon as I stop they seem to drop again quite quickly ,I try and do regular blood checks to monitor.
One of the things that puzzles me is if I’m having to have high amounts of b12 shots because of p.a and functional b12 deficiency why do other supplements work to keep my other levels up when I’m on them,it’s a bit contradictory saying I can’t absorb because of no intrinsic factor and yet I can see my other ranges,ie folate ,iron,vit d etc change quite clearly when on supplements.
Does the absorbing issues only apply to b12? is that where I’m getting confused.
I’m just interested to see if anyone else notices or experiences this and have you tried the grass fed beef liver supplements and have they helped.
The ones I’m going to try are Ancestral and they get very good reviews but their not cheap if you stick to the recommended daily doses,some people seem to do well on a lot less dosages.
It seems to have so many benefits that I’d like to try them it’d be marvellous if something reduces my frequency of b12 shots needed. Ty for reading