Phoney GP: I had a telephone... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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Phoney GP

Mannequin18 profile image
23 Replies

I had a telephone appointment on Monday morning supposedly with my allotted GP, who I have had problems with in the past.

He said he was the Dr who I had the appointment with, but it definitely wasn't. I may be many things but I am not stupid, although I was made to feel utterly stupid. He rubbished everything I said, did not listen to anything I said. Talked so fast, and totally confused me. Then said he would test my thyroid and PA. I am autoimmune hypothyroidism and Autoimmune pernicious anaemia.

This particular doctor (the one I thought I had an appointment with) stopped my B12 injections about 18 months ago, I fought and had them reinstated. Only the nurses (I am sure on his instructions pretended to give me them). I know that makes me sound crazy, perhaps that is what they are trying to portray. That will just make me fight them more.

My B12 has resumed after blood tests in Novemer came back in capitals and underlined Pernicious anaemia/intrinsic factor positive.

I was probably without my injections for 9months. I now have Tinnitus and balance issues. Severe continuous muscle and joint pain. If even the dog just brushes past me it's agony as if I am severely bruised.

Sorry thus is so long winded.

I put all that in for background.

I don't know who I told all my personal details to. I feel totally betrayed by this surgery. They are making light of my conditions.

Life is hard enough without them making it worse. What kind of GP does their worst for you.

Has this surgery breached patient confidentiality by this person pretending to be my GP?

What should I do.

I phoned the surgery yesterday to see what their process was on complaints. And was given the Practice Managers name and email.

Should I email, or write a letter, or perhaps both.

Any advice please.

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Mannequin18 profile image
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23 Replies
fbirder profile image

Bypass them. Go to the NHS Patient Advice and Liaison Scheme

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to fbirder

Thank you for the information. It is very useful.

It does say contact the GP/person you have a grievance with first.

I think I will contact both at the same time. Thank you again.

Nackapan profile image

This sounds horrendous.

Mind games you do not need.

Placebo treatment I bet they would try and explain it away with

I believe you. You know how ill you got without them.

Ask outright .

The nurse asked me how I was after last injection once. As it happened it didnt help but that happens sometimes es . She spoke about placebo effects. ??

Do as advised by fbirder

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you. I will contact PALS and GP at same time.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Hi Nackapan, the nurses did not inject me, they just either held a piece of paper over the injection site or distracted me and then brushed my arm with a piece of paper. I don't blame them, they are only acting on GP's orders. It's just so underhand. I questioned them about it, they didn't like it and said of course you have had your injection. I think anyone who has ever had a needle, especially one loaded with B12. Knows they have had it. But to feel nothing at all, except a piece of paper over you arm. There were no needles or bottles of B12 around.

Thank you for your support.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Mannequin18

A piece of paper sounds odd

When I go its usually sitting in a cardboard tray dtaen up already. I always ask to see the box now as different brands used and when I thought I'd reacted to one they had no idea what I was given?? Just expiry recorded on notes.

Next time try and relax. Look at what the nurse is doing . Theres usually only one??

See the box. See the I jection drawn up ready . Look out the corner of your eye at them doing it. If not take someone with you.

I agree unless nerve endings damaged as some cant feel them when ill.

I've always known when given . At times very painful.

This isnt allowed you know that gps cannot say you having an I jection of b12 then not give it.

Watch next time. Or take someone in with you.

Dont get too stressed with complaint .

Take it in stages

Stress will do you no


I've deakt with PALs a few times on the behalf of others and once for me.

Poor outcomes.

But voices and files.

All valid solid complaints.

One was I was told he was in overnight from a+e after bad diabetic hypo. On a drip and monitoring and badly bruised black eye ect. I was assured any change and I'd be rung. We decided for me to gi in the morning to get him home if discharged then.

Next thing call from him sounding drunk asking what platform to go on to get home. Kept him talking and on the right train. Met him off it . Got him home. He had no recollection of this blood sugar was 2.

Rang the hospital. At that stage wanted to know what had happened

Had he walked out were they aware. What meds had he had ???

No details could be given as confidential only found our he was discharged at 1150hrs. . !!!

He my husband could not remember any of it. We think went onto automatic commute mode. How he was upright with a blood sugar if 2 . Hed obviously been given glucogen and then it was dropping again ad ni food given .

Unbelievable as this sounds it happened. Bottom line. PALs said he was asked if he wanted to go home!!!!

No record of promised phone call to


I tell you all this as yiu need names times evidence.

Mal practice happens.

As does very good practice.

Ding waste too much precious energy. But say your peice.

Take care


Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you for your support and information. It's unbelievable what happened to your husband, he could have gone into coma, or had an accident. Shocking.

The NHS ruined my daughters life.

She was a nurse, and complained about the treatment of some of the patients. They hounded her out of a very good job. One of her 5year old twins was diagnosed with type 1diabetes and her marriage broke down. She had that all together. It broke her into pieces.

The NHS is vicious and vindictive if you don't tow the line. I am under no illusions 're my own circumstances. But I had to have my say, it's better than doing nothing. But all I have said previously on this topic makes me sound as if I don't know what is going on. And that is how they will portray it.

I'm sorry PALS was no good.

There is a branch within walking distance to me, that could have been useful.

We will just have to see what happens.

Thanks again.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Mannequin18

Your poor daughter. Doing the right thing not always easy.

But makes you a better person.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Nackapan

Yes, thank you.

I hate injustice of any kind.

We should not have to fight the health system/government. As well as being ill.

When I saw the rheumatologist in January, she barely looked at me, almost accused me of being responsible for my illness stating that I was vegetarian. Which I am not. But even if I was, I would still need help. She said she was done with me, no follow up and no advice. I could have cried.

I did not stick up f myself that day. I felt that I was in a time warp, I didn't seem to know how to stream a sentence together. A bad day.

Sleepybunny profile image


Unhappy with Treatment (UK info)?

Letters to GPs about B12 deficiency

CAB NHS Complaints

MPs and devolved representatives may be worth talking to.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Sleepybunny

Thank you. Great information. I have written to Surgery. PALS, and NHS. Will post tomorrow. And let you know how I get on. They will probably say I am mental, and shut me away to shut me up. Why aren't they accountable for their actions? I have only had 3 good GP's in the whole of my 75years.

I'm fed up with them, and if I could afford to buy my own thyroid treatment, then I would never have to see them. After they have sorted out my muscle and joint pain!!!!!

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to Mannequin18

If you need support with making a complaint then there are advocacy organisations in UK. See link below for list of organisations offering advocacy services.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Sleepybunny

Thank you , I will write to them if I don't get success from the ones I have already written.

Miss-guineapig profile image

Definately do as fbirder advises and bypass the practice manager......this is just an awful position for you to be in, and you are not alone by any means. Please let us know how you get on. Wishing you all the best Mannequin x

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Miss-guineapig

Thank you very much, I will post on here if I get a response. I posted the letters today, they should receive them on Monday. They will probably tell me to go elsewhere.

Sleepybunny profile image


Apologies if I've given you these links before but there may be some useful info in them.

I wrote very detailed replies on another forum thread with links to B12 deficiency symptoms lists, causes of b12 deficiency, info about tests for PA, list of B12 books, list of B12 websites, more UK B12 documents, letters to GP about B12 deficiency and other B12 info including hints on dealing with unhelpful GPs, which you might find helpful.

I left a detailed reply about impact of pandemic on B12 treatment in UK in next link.

I am not medically trained.

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to Sleepybunny

It's great information, and I welcome it everyone. Thank you. I don't know what I would do without all the useful information and great support from all the people on here.

Please write to your Primary Care Trust and GP with a formal complaint. Also go to Parliamentary health ombudsman service. Good luck, you have been treated awful!

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to

Thank you. I have written to the surgery, NHS, and PALS. So hopefully will get somewhere. I have now developed very bad ache round my kidneys. I do have bladder problems. And the doctors wanted to put me on Mirabegron. I have glaucoma and high eye pressures. And it clearly states in the pack info not to take if you have those conditions. I mentioned it to the GP he said its alright if you are having regular checks, so passing the buck. How could you trust them, even with your dog.

briarhillcat profile image

Sounds like you have been treated badly, and that is not right. We are all having issues with our GPs stopping our injections, but you really need to see someone who you trust and not be fobbed off with being told what to do when you know you are being given the wrong information. You have to stand up for yourself and do not let them make you feel a nuisance or stupid. All too often this happens, and that can make us feel insecure and not knowing what to do. You need to complain about the way you have been treated, and we are always here for you. Good luck. Take care. Briarhillcat

Mannequin18 profile image
Mannequin18 in reply to briarhillcat

Thank you so much. I wish doctors would read what goes on here. I am beginning to think no that they only work for drug companies. And collect their salaries from NHS. But then I am cynical.

briarhillcat profile image

No, you are right. I do not think that GPs understand PA. I was diagnosed over 40 years ago when I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Apparently, PA can develop if someone has a bowel disease. Not all people obviously, but I.B. and Crohns etc can have that effect. I had injections every day for a long time, gradually building it up until I felt somewhat better, then once a week, once every two weeks, and I was then every three weeks for years. Then the Powers that Be decided all of us only needed it every three months. I was a Carer for my husband for about 8 years and it was so hard, and I did get permission to have it every 10 weeks which was better. Then some years later, they were told that "The Government" said we only need it every three months". I felt rough. I asked my doctor if I could go back to every 10 weeks and he said I did not need it and it was all in my head! Now he is a good GP and a good man, but at that moment, I could have hit him! In fact, when he said make an appointment for a month, he added "That is if you are still talking to me". I bit my tongue and just said "I will talk to you, but I might hit you with my stick" and kind of laughed it off. So, GPs do not know everything. We know our own bodies. You take care and get the help you need. Briarhillcat

briarhillcat profile image

By the way Should have added. I know self inject as my surgery stopped injections for a YEAR!

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