Hello all again .
I had a disastrous appointment with the GP yesterday . My own GP is away til September and the GP yesterdaywas rude , boorish , refused to listen to me and completely railroaded me ! I'm having trouble speaking or remembering words at the mo since I have been very unwell for a week . I became very upset and then talking became much more difficult ! She had not read the email with NICE and BMJ guidelines etc and refused to read them while I was there . She keep giving me a countdown of how many minutes I had left ! She was completely dismissive of pernicious anemia as said my blood cells were not enlarged . She did agree to MMA and IF tests which I had this morning . She has also referred me to a neurologist . She had written ' presenting with Neurological symptoms ' on my blood test form but refuses to treat be with injections unless tests show positive.
I had also emailed my Heamtology Team at UCLH . The consultant I saw there last week rang me back today .
He was lovely but was also of the opinion that it was doubtful I had pernicious anemia .I spoke in depth to him of my neurological symptoms . He said that as they UCHL are my secondary carers they cannot prescribe B12 injections there at the hosp and my GP would have to agree them .He did not know about the NICE or BMJ guidelines regarding someone presenting with Neurological symptoms should be treated immediately ! I have sent them to him and can only hope he is able to persuade my GP !
I'm guessing from what I've read on this forum that this is the usual case scenario !
Has anyone had any good GPs or could reccomend a private or other method to get a proper diagnosis in London ?
I'm concerned as my left side is becoming increasingly numb and my speech , balance , coordination are also very poor at mo .
I'm trying to hang in there for a proper diagnosis but considering self injections.
Excuse me if this is rambling !
Many thanks ☆♡☆